Mark Zuckerberg Contradicting Himself

in #science8 years ago

In this video (not mine) Mark Zuckerberg talks about ending climate change then a few moments later he talks about curing all diseases. If we cured all diseases it would be an absolute disaster, human population would sky rocket to start with.

When will people get that death and disease are good things?


Disease and death are good things? Are you volunteering?

Hmmm you are going to be disappointed in about 20 years.

When my time comes yes I'll voluteer. Why will I be disappointed in 20 years?

With the advancements in Biotech and CRISPR that are already being accomplished, you will see a radical extension in the average life expectancy through the elimination of diseases.

A new age of medicine is already starting which is giving rise to the human longevity research.

And it's very bad news indeed. Zuckerberg's daughter is lucky because due to her father's wealth she'll be one of the few people rich enough to bypass the law that will be introduced to radically reduce the number of women who will be allowed to become parents.

And what law is that exactly? What country is implementing that?

How do you think they will control population in the future when everyone is living indefinitely?

Why would they need to control the population?

Maybe @felixhugo is just pinpointing that we should go against the nature of life. We all know that death is part of our destiny and no one will ever live forever.

My point is that if we all do get to the point where we live forever we are f$$ked as a species and we'll be f$$king up the planet more than ever.