
i enjoyed this video; but it needs a link showing NASA's claim that their shuttle goes mach 20 or mach 22. Also, the part that says "....then you are part of the problem" is not a good way to "win your brother over ". It only gives the opposition more ammo to be able to point at us and say, "look at the arrogance!"

Just adding some useful evidence showing the speeds NASA claims. A quick search landed me on NASA's page where they give the following speed information about "The Orbiter": "After the solid rockets are jettisoned, the main engines provide thrust which accelerates the Shuttle from 4,828 kilometers per hour (3,000 mph) to over 27,358 kilometers per hour (17,000 mph) in just six minutes to reach orbit. They create a combined maximum thrust of more than 1.2 million pounds." Google says 3000 mph is mach 3.91 . 17000 mph is mach 22.16. Here is the link to NASA's page:,more%20than%201.2%20million%20pounds.

After reading NASA's website (see my previous post) I watched this video again. We've got a huge mistake at 2:22 and 2:35. At 2:22, the video states that the shuttle and solid rockets together reach mach 22. At 2:35, the video shows the point at which the boosters are jettisoned, and states they are going sideways at mach 20. NASA only claims they are going mach 3.91 at this point. Mistakes like this really tarnish our image...this needs to be corrected ASAP. The point of the video would still stand--and we wouldn't be giving the opposition such easy ammo to shoot us down with.