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RE: The Reality Behind Vaccines

in #science8 years ago

My concern is the MANDATES that are trying to be pushed that I force my child to get numerous vaccines at once. I am not anti-vax, I am anti multiple vaccines at one time. There is ZERO reason to expose an infant's or toddler's body and immune system to more than one foreign substance at a time. The demand of the medical establishment to give more than one vaccine at a time is based SOLELY on money and cost, at the expense of the child.

Again, I feel vaccines are good and needed, just NOT all at once or even in multiples. There is ZERO way to know which substance caused a reaction in that case, because they DO happen.


"There is ZERO way to know which substance caused a reaction in that case, because they DO happen."

the reactions are almost never deadly and the majority of them are because the kid is allergic to eggs lmao

Those exposures are far different than in injection that super charges the bodies immune response.
Just because a reaction is not deadly doesn't mean it doesn't have a life long effect.
I would rather waste my time than possibly have my child have an adverse reaction.

Again I am not against them, I am only espousing a staggered approach to dosing children.

Every single human has a unique makeup and will respond uniquely to a stimulus. It may be close to another response not not the exact same. How can it be when genetically we are all unique?
My hope is that Epigenetics will lead us to a better means of dealing with the human body in general.

"Those exposures are far different than in injection that super charges the bodies immune response."

it actually has less of a response than the pathogen normally would. The only way it can have more if it alerts the body to it early through aluminum (I think or maybe it was another one).

"Every single human has a unique makeup and will respond uniquely to a stimulus"

if something in an important system changes critically, like the immune system, it is often noticed within a few weeks. If it is not the baby will likely die either way.

and yet again most vaccines are made up of dead or crippled versions of the pathogen, it is literally the best possible scenario.

Actually, aluminum DOES supercharge the immune response, and in some susceptible individuals, can trigger autoimmune disorders.


do you even know how they work? lmao

uhhh yes there is? to make sure it doesn't die when that happens literally everyday in nature.

sure you don't have to do it at once but have fun wasting your time