Thanks for sharing. I've just come across your account. Some good content. I've followed.
I'll settle down for the evening with a nice glass of beer and go through the rest of the other parts to this later.
I won't spam it here but I've recently posted the first part of my 'History of the deepstate' series. Feel free to check it out. I think you'll find it interesting.
Upvoted. Thanks
Greetings! Thanks for your comment. I have followed you too - let's see if the rabbit hole leads to a wormhole! :)
Yes It's getting interesting.
I think we are at this stage at the moment....
Not sure what you are pointing at with that photo - i see it is described as a diamond mine:
Oh no way. Nice bit of detective work.
It was the first image that come up on DuckDuckGo when I searched for 'Open pit mine'. I was looking for a hole bigger than a rabbit hole but smaller than a worm hole.
Bit off topic but If you're into OSINT stuff I put out a great post a few weeks ago that has a whole host of free tools.
hehe - well, i just used google's reverse image tool - elementary my dear what's-on! :)
thanks for the links, i'll check them out
Yes a great resource. Enjoy.
Good to speak with you. Thanks.