Swiss Team of Scientists Discover the Brain Can Operate in 11 Dimensions

in #science7 years ago

The human brain is a vastly complicated network without parallel, and scientists have just discovered that we are capable of thinking in 11 dimensions.

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             The Blue Brain Project is a research initiative started by a Swiss team of scientists planning to build a digital reconstruction of the human brain. They recently came across a startling discovery that neurons can group together forming bundles large enough with enough connections to represent up to an 11th dimensional mathematical equation describing multidimensional geometric structures. "We found a world that we had never imagined," said Henry Markram, lead researcher of the team. "There are tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through seven dimensions. In some networks, we even found structures with up to 11 dimensions." Above is a picture of left: a colored map of our functioning neurons as they would be seen microscopically, and right: a low quality multidimensional geometric visual rendering of the neural activity going on in that moment. The image was created by the Blue Brain Project using algebraic topology.
              Every one of these "objects" would be like a small piece of infinity in motion. They form when a person is approached with a problem. After they have been used as conduits to give complexity and direction to the flowing tap of willpower at the core of our being, they then disappear into nothing. The researchers call them objects but they are real in the sense that thoughts are real or the way a computer algorithm can be used to generate complex visual graphics. It all requires energy. Ten Dimensions Explained gives an interesting representation of how you can connect the finite to the infinite through a thought experiment.

              It's baffling to think that the 10th dimension would contain more than the whole of time and space. I wish I could find someone to explain the 11th dimension. What questions have human beings asked throughout the history of intelligence that have never been answered can be answered by this scientific discovery? Does this prove there is a timeless, infinite aspect of the self?
              Because of the striking similarities in the descriptions between these geometric structures and what some have observed during intense psychedelic experiences, I've included some pictures of recreations of the visuals one sees while metabolizing a high concentration of Dimethyltryptamine, a potent neurological compound and powerful psychedelic that allows one to see for their self the fractal geometric structures that the mind creates.


              The descriptions between different DMT trips from different people almost always follow the same theme. One begins to see ultra complex and beautiful geometric structures that are living with detail beyond description. They give an impression of immense age and time and emanate feelings of love. Sounds of vast enormity are experienced. The geometric beings form as a world around the person until their consciousness begins to rocket out of their body and towards the winding fractals. As this is happening they begin to lose a sense of the past, and of who they are. The person has full awareness, eyes wide open, but there are times when so much is experienced that it is beyond the bounds of language and description so that it cannot be remembered. We sometimes lack the ability to retrieve information through the energetic threshold one crosses after the activity in the brain has gone from being multiplied by a thousand back to the normal state of mind.


              This is what's happening as the brain reaches a spike in neural activity because the consciousness is smashing through levels of the fractal worlds, ever deeper, feeling the enormous forces caused when one tears through space with velocity and acceleration compounding on itself until this exponential curve reaches singularity and they're blasted through into the highest dimension a human being can possibly exist in, and then the physical brain falls asleep. They have actually monitored people's brains while on DMT and it shows an immense increase in activity which then drops to near sleep when the person is supposedly in the peak of the experience.


              It really is amazing to consider the similarities between the DMT experience, sacred geometry, and the hyper-structures our brain creates. Exploring the psychedelic realms could even become a dual pursuit with neural science, both edging towards the same goal. Both presenting a promising path towards the full utilization of human potential. These past few years have been monumental for advancements in science and technology, with this discovery quite possibly being at the precipice of all the scientific community has achieved so far. It reminds me of a great researcher and spiritual scientist Rudolf Steiner, who as a child felt a peculiar satisfaction in using his protractor and compass to create and solve geometric problems. After life as a scholar, this love developed into a sense that there is an aspect of the mind he could develop in and of itself, and apply directly what he learned within himself to the external world. Meaning there exists a part of the soul that develops independently of the world that functions off a sort of mathematical rational. Because of this knowledge and his daily practice he evolved the ability to perceive visually the geometric structures that exist in the mind in the external world as the formless and ever changing essences of whatever objects he was perceiving. Perhaps he was seeing as akin to Plato's world of forms. Could this be what our scientists have stumbled upon?