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RE: NASA Looking To Make Oxygen on Mars By 2020

in #science8 years ago

I guess you already saw it, but Elon Musk just unveiled SpaceX's new space suit today as well. Interesting to see them taking the lead on something that has less of an obvious business model going for it compared to launchers. But then again, going to Mars will require a completely different type of suit compared to the Moon and ISS missions, so with Elon's obsession with Mars, it is no surprise ^^

But yeah. Mars will require hard innovation on so many other levels than just transport technologies. Especially if we want to establish a lasting, sustainable and scalable human presence there. Sure is an exciting time to be alive :D


Yes, I literally saw that just after posting this post. If I had seen it before, I would have mentioned it here. hehe Oh well! Yes, it's the obsession of mankind that leads us to greatness. I hope we just continue to push forward until we have a permanent presence there. So exciting :D