[Breaking News] Major Earthquake Struck Mexico - 7,4 On The Richter Scale

in #science7 years ago

A major earthquake has been reported from a city located south of Mexico City. Buildings in Mexico City clearly felt the quake, here is an image from Mexico City:

FireShot Capture 591 - Buildings Collapse, Thousands Take To_ - http___www.zerohedge.com_news_2017.png

Apparently there were countrywide earthquake drills across the country just hours before the real earthquake. That was good timing if anything.

Just 2 weeks ago, Mexico got hit by another earthquake, that time it was even stronger, 8,1 on the Richter Scale.

Earthquakes and volcano eruptions are much more common during grand solar minimums. This current minimum will approximately last between 2015-2045.




The earthquake was somewhat violent but the will of God was strong and prevented the disaster