The difference between right and left brain functions is very clear. Of course, each organs that have different roles and functions in performing their duties to support the overall body activity. For that we really need to know it as a lesson in everyday life.
Differences in Right Brain Function and Left Brain
The difference between right-brain function and left-brain function will begin to form a characteristic, trait, and also different capabilities in each person.The difference between the two has actually been very popular since the 1960, due to the results of a study from a scientist named ****Roger Sperry.****
Big brain or commonly called the cerebrum is part that can be said is very influential on the human brain as a whole because it is categorized as the largest part of the brain. This section is used in helping to process all intellectual activities including planning about the future, imagining a thing, remembering, doing reasoning, and also the ability to think.
In the big part of the brain is divided into two parts, namely the left hemisphere and also the right hemisphere, or very popular with the left brain and also the right brain. In each section of course has a function and also a different role.
The left hemisphere has functions related to ratios, logic, reading ability, writing skills, and is also the center of numeracy (mathematics). Many scientists say that the left hemisphere is the center of Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
Then for the right brain has a function in the process of growing Emotional Quotient (EQ). Such as associated with communication, socialization, interaction between humans with each other and also used to control emotions.
In addition, the right side of the brain is a place of sense, intuitive ability, ability to combine and also the ability to express the ability to include dancing, singing ability, the ability to paint and other abilities related to creativity.
Here are the differences in the function of the right brain and the left brain is very basic :
1. The right brain is identical for Emotional Quotient (EQ). While the left brain is identical to Intelligence Quotient (IQ). 2. The right brain is of course used for the process of controlling all parts of the body that is on the right. While the left brain of course used for the process pengontrolah all parts of the body that is on the left. 3. The right brain is used for skills in 3 dimensional form. While the left brain for numerical skills. The right brain is used for music skills as well as the taste of art. While the left brain for math skills and also scientific papers. 4. The right brain is used for unification skills. While the left brain for the ability to analyze. The right brain is used for subjectivity. While the left brain is used for things - things that are objectivity. 5. Right brain is used for the ability to imagine. While the left brain is used for writing skills. The right brain is used for intuition abilities. While the left brain is used for speech. 6. Right brain is used for creativity. While the left brain is used for the ability of logic. 7. Right brain is used for the ability to control emotions. Left brain is used for the ability to do consideration. 8. The right brain tends to experience a larger external focus. While the left brain tends to experience an internal focus of course larger. 9. The right brain tends to choose something that is spontaneous. While the left brain tends to choose something that is sequentially in detail. 10. The right brain tends to want an unrestrained approach. While the left brain tends to want a thing with structure and also prediction. 11. The right brain tends to be more pleased with random things. While the left brain tend to be more pleased with the things that are sequential. 12. The right brain is more comfortable learning from the whole then new leads to the parts in detail. While the left brain is more comfortable to learn from the parts - the details in detail and then lead to the whole. 13. The right brain prefers things like drawing, painting, graphing, and also making diagrams. While the left brain prefers with things like words - symbols and letters.Necessary Of Right Brain
Right brain is a place used for the development of things that have the nature of creativity, artistic, emotion, feeling, style, imagination, rhythm of music, color, fantasy, self-knowledge and also others, the development of personality and social relationships. in order to assist the development process of EQ (Emotional Quotient).
Necessary Of Left Brain
Here is an explanation of the various advantages of the left brain:
- The left brain is a place used for the development of things that have the ability to read, talk, logic, language skills, analysis, numbers, and so forth.
- Plays an important role in helping to process the development of IQ (Intelligence Quotient).
Disadvantages of Right Brain
Here is an explanation of the various advantages of the right brain:
- The workings of the right brain tend to be unorganized and unstructured.
- Tend not to be used to think of things that are special.
Disadvantages of Left Brain
Here is an explanation of the various advantages of the left brain:
- Can not be used for imagination.
- Can not be used to do things related to creativity.
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