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RE: Science is monopolized by bullies and deceivers

in #science7 years ago

For those that didn't understand what I am trying to say, science is in itself a good thing which I personally live by, but the science we are given today in school, in the mainstream media, is full of lies and deception and if you question it you are bullied as can be observed by seeing nubtek
whompingwill121. Science is beautiful but what we have today is not science but rhetoric by people who claim to be scientist. True science is basically YOU performing YOUR OWN experiments, and making YOUR OWN conclusions, observing patterns and making theories. Science in itself is great, so the concern is that it is being redefined and misrepresented by bullies and psuedoscientists who have replaced science with mathematics all the while people blindly follow and believe religiously what they are told because of the fear of being different from the masses, fear of being different from the program. No person who reacts with cognitive dissonance to this simple post probably didn't bother watching any of the videos or try to understand what is being said.