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RE: The earth is doomed, and there is nothing we will do about it. (Featuring new author @heretickitten)

in #science8 years ago

Surely this piece by @heretickitten is sarcastic, because WE are the hope. At the Garden of Eden, we’ve proven that a better way is possible. We live the solution every day. Nobody has to live the way we do, but just to know the potential is there--just to know there are people out here choosing a different way--is inspiration enough to expand one’s horizons of what they thought was possible.

We’ve been living the change for years in our sustainable community, and life is far more abundant and enjoyable than anything we’ve experienced out there in the matrix.

Consumers could merely shift their preferences, and the whole system would collapse. If values shifted to health and wellbeing, then living aligned with nature might be seen as enjoyable and even desirable. People could simply prefer and therefore CHOOSE to consume less energy. We use electricity thoughtfully. For a dozen people in a 4,000 square foot house with modern amenities, our electric bills are frequently under $40 a month--and we don’t even have solar panels! We just really really really enjoy and prefer to live consciously and sustainably; it’s much more satisfying than supporting a mindless consumer culture with no real values!

Although, @alexbeyman posted an article a few days ago about life on Venus, and it did get us thinking about expanding our new paradigm communities across the solar system instead of just across the world...