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RE: Flat Earth - The End Debate

in #science8 years ago

Wouldn't this be easily solved by sending a few ships that will sail straight, let's say west until they reach the ice wall. If they reach the ice wall case settled the earth is flat if on the other hand they get back to where they started from the earth is round.


Apparently everyone who has tried to go to the ice wall, and presumably their whole family and friend/professional circles has been suppressed by the evil powers that be

I am not asking for what may have happened, I am saying get a whole group of people for or against the flat earth theory, publicize it all over the world and just go for it, send a whole armada of vessels say 100, something has to come out of it. That way we can be sure they made the trip and whatever they discover will be known.

Nah, the supreme powers are unimaginably efficient, I guess?

Lol you're totally right. The thing is, There's a misunderstanding of what 'research' is. These days, research seems to be 'googling', and not actually doing things yourself. So rather than even considering finding something out with your own camera equipment or 100 ships or a weather balloon, they just google 'weather balloon fake' and that's sufficient research.

It's the world we live in, unfortunately.