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RE: Are People Who Reject the Claims of Scientists Stupid?

in #science8 years ago (edited)

There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance. We are ALL ignorant of something. I don't know how to build car engines. Doesn't make me stupid, but makes me ignorant of mechanics. There is nothing to be ashamed of, being ignorant in any one field.

Doctors are not ignorant of medicine, so if one says you have cancer, it's best to believe it. Scientists are not ignorant of science, so if they study vaccines and tell us they are safe, we are better to believe it. (kids around the world are NOT being sick by aluminum or anything else in super minute quantities of vaccines).

The comment, “If people don’t believe in vaccines, climate change or evolution, why do they believe scientists when they predict eclipses?” I absolutely do not take that as people calling other stupid!!

I see this them merely calling out a contradiction.

Another contradiction. Climate-change deniers (always ignorant of the science), often can make the point that the Earth has had many natural climate changes. But don't seem to realize that we know this is true...thanks to the climate scientists!! They believe the science to make a silly argument, but fail to believe the same people when they say the cause is now CO2 from cars instead of new forests, etc.

People want to trust elicples, thanks to science, whether is super accurate or not, but want to jump on conspiracy band-wagon because they were emotional moved by someone's personal experience that "blamed" vaccines, always without any evidence that it was actually the vaccine.

My child woke up. Ate cornflakes. Got sick. Cornflakes cause illness!! Right?


I actually agree with most of what you're saying here. Maybe it's because you didn't actually see the meme I was talking about that you think it's not ridicule, but it indeed was. I didn't want to single out my friend by saying it verbatim or linking to the thread, but trust me this wasn't "here's a great argument against skeptics of these scientific findings" like you just did here. It was "har-de-har, look at these idiots who are too stupid to understand." Completely different things. Thanks for the comment by the way.