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RE: Extremophile Organisms May Provide Insight into Life on Hostile Planets

in #science8 years ago

This post is awesome, it is definitely going to get tons of upvotes. Is it only possible for life to evolve in water, or is another substance possible?

I want to help you with a formatting a bit. I just learned this code yesterday, it will pull photos to the left or right and you can type words right next to the picture, not just one line. I used it in my latest post. (click to see it in action)

< div class="pull-left"> or change left for right
Image url
< /div>


I'd imagine that life could evolve in other substances under the right conditions (although I'm not very familiar with that). As long as the organisms are adapted to that substance it should be more than possible. We still aren't entirely sure how life actually originates, and right now it's mostly theoretical guess work. Some people believe life on Earth started in our oceans, others believe extremophiles may have landed on Earth on asteroids and given rise to life.

Thanks for the formatting code!