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RE: Technically, The Universe Shouldn’t Exist. So, Why Does It?

in #science8 years ago

Newtonian mechanics replaced by quantum mechanics. The big bang asserts one free miracle.

Think in terms of information instead of matter. There is no Universe, it's a simulation. Someone/thing, hit the run button.

Call it what you will. The Big Cheese, Motherboard of all that is, was, or ever will be.

The day's of Feynman's "Shut up and calculate," are over. The double slit experiment was the proof they refused to acknowledge.

They had an excuse in 1927, before computer simulations. What's the excuse now?


yeah, this theory is beginning to really get people to think. Sometimes I think that it is all just a simulation too. Maybe one day we will find out. Maybe we won't.

Thomas Campbell has put forth five new physics experiments that will back mother nature into a corner, so to speak. When these have been completed I think we will have much more definitive proof.

I will definitely read about these experiments. Sounds really interesting. :D