I don’t know how reliable the Anonymous hacker group is, but apparently they have claimed that NASA is about to announce alien life. “… we are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate on April 29th.
The truth is, alien life may not be what we expect. It may be so advanced that we are not able to comprehend it. It may be based on totally different principles than life on earth. Anyway, such a discovery would be groundbreaking.
Image credit: Getty Images
they already said it a hundred times indirectly, there is life outside earth. look for the newspaper reports of Rosewell incident of 1947
I just hope they are kind and upvote my content! :)
I had a chance to meet former NASA scientist Miloš Krmelj. He told me the problem is not they are here. But they are many as there are many interests.
They have come and are here. May I refer to you my post "Antartica - Ongoing Buzzword Today."
amazing post , upvoted
Crazy stuff, do you have a link for your claims? :)
I have used two news articles and I have provided the links to these two articles in the text. Here are those links again: here and here.
Thanks man - for some reason I didn't see the links hidden in your text. Sorry for the inconvenience ;)
let´s wait and hear
sorry but I dont believe this
Wow this is crazy, I always said we can't be the only ones. Great post!