I am merely suggesting that the nano particles of heavy metals in chemtrails enter the body to then accumulate in specific areas of the body ! But they are present and sensitive to high powered milimeter wave bombardment, as you have seen in the video of the aluminium foil, and the fact they are inside the body could not spell good things for the health of that said person !
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Nano particles means no circuits while they aren't connected.
You need to drill down a bit into what human body is (in sense of electricity) and how it behaves in strong electric field.
Outer shell of our body, a skin, is an isolator. Some individuals has resistance of MOhms.
Yes it is thin, but constant voltage (direct current, DC) cannot make a lot of Amperes to flow through it.
Inside this shell there is a juicy content friendly to any kind of currents - DC and AC.
Things are different in case of AC. Our skin starts to work as an isolator in capacitor. AC start virtually flow back and forth.
Why I'm writing this? You don't need any heavy metals to be "friendly" to high freq EM fields. You already has a lot of free ions under your skin, which conducts an electricity.
Any organics has blood. Any product with salt and water are conductors. It is not enough to make explosion in MW oven.
Ok well thats again great info and I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge here with everybody ! I was just putting this out there as a pusked thought on this ! So even without Heavy metals say from ingested sources out bodies if exposed to short but high powered emf feilds might suffer tissue damage and even failure ?? This is being reported already with lower levels of emf exposure !
I've read some materials about eye's light sensitive cells degradation in X-Ray and Gamma. But MMW is completely different band.

It is close to thermal IR band.
Just don't get me wrong or blaming in something. We need the numbers.
"Low-level" term needs comparison. For some case "low-level" means 1W. For other, like comparison with MW oven (750W) "lower level" could mean 100W which is ultimately huge power for domestic wireless, but less than 10% level for oven.
Remember the Einstein, BRO! :)
You need a flat sheet of metal. In that case High Freq Magnetic Field induct vortex electric current in metal. The more maximum radius possible in the sheet of metal, the more energy will be involved into conversion "EM ~> Heat".
Also, I suspect, metal surfaces (the foil and inner surface of oven) build a role of resonator for those lightnings. This is not the case for "human - 5G Tower" system.
You need an energy of real lightning to produce an air surge on long distances.
Well this is good information actually @homoludens ) I dont doubt that maybe on this point your are right and have more technical knowledge than me on this point i stand corrected then )! But again its not just this point which is the worry its all the rest of awful effects it clearly will have on Human Beings which gives me reason for concern !
Sorry... don't read me offensive. Just trying to dig deeper and not to show you that "I know a shit.." :)
Just want to keep you and other readers at some distance from comparing MMW effects on Al foil inside very high intensity EMF and on human body inside low-level MMW EMF. I believe, behavior will be completely different.
Hey no worries @homoludens, you have an interesting point of veiw and seemed pretty informed on this stuff ! So ts good to debate this out here ! Its what this comment section should be about no ? So its cool, just right now I have more stuff to write on this subject and all these comments is stopping my schedule somewhat lol ! I dont have the figures on what are the exposure levels but if you see my next post , there is a video I have included which is pretty hardcore in that a lady measures with an EMF reading device a home with all the emf equipment present in this home and then afterwards once all the ideas on how to minimise physical harm have been implemented ! You will see that in your average home the levels of harmful EMF are quite literally off the charts ! This I am sure is not a good enviroment for healthy living ! I shall link you my next post here once i have posted it ok ?
I saw a video with young guy playing with extracted magnetron from MW oven. Actually two videos. One indoor with measuring radiation level. One outdoor - attraction of real lightning to the extracted magnetron.
So, it is hard to surprise me now... looking forward..
Hi there again @homoludens ) I hope you are fine ! Listen I have been rereading some of your replies to me ! There are a couple of things which have struck me ! You were asking me some questions on the power outputs of these towers ! Here is a film which I took from one of earlier posts on 5G and these death towers that hide behind this " commercial " venture ! go to 1 min in the film and then watch and listen to this film maker give the breakdown on the power supply being fed to these towers ! You will be surprised asindeed I was when you hear the figures and see the many and thick copper cable power feed lines running up to the hardware above ! They cannot be just for telecommunications needs as why indeed all of this incredible powersupply ! I am standing by my intuitively reached conclusion on these towers having the possibility of sending such a dense surge of electomagnetic freqency per metre cube that metal will dissoude and ionise as a result ! This is what we were seeing in California in these so called forest fires which ordinarily burn up to 1800 degs not much more with a good oxygen supply ! But here we see all of the cars bodies , wheel rims and even engines melted like wax running down the road !! I believe this to be the first use of directed energy waepons on American soil ! Well after 911 that is !!
watch this film at 1 min exactly it will give you the figures on power supply and you will see that we are dealing with a weapon system of that i am sure (
I am sorry, but this video is full of neuro lingual programming manipulations. These multiple times repeated videos with disasters. Burning forests and kids exploding batteries in cellphone, etc.
I will drill down in these power supply and thick cables shortly. It could be just optic fibers.
What I can say on tech stuff in video...
IF these towers really has 300 kW of radiation power (all power goes to radiation and not into Computing Devices, etc) then we need to calculate which power will be at surface below tower. And which energy will be on distance of half of a mile from tower base.
Anyway thanks for video.
This is the more detailed video with guys from Lugansk. They are playing with magnetron like a crazy.
And yes, radio exploded after being exposed to magnetron at 20-50 cm distance. But it was sustaining the same magnetron without big troubles at distance of few meters.
Next video in playlist shows how capacitors explode being powered by very high voltage from magnetron.
All these things aren't so dangerous as described in video about Google at al.
Tech is always a concern for human beings...
The Final Circle of Paradise
(Arkady and Boris Strugatsky)