I would say understanding math in a physical sense is easier than memorizing the formulas. In fact, most professors encourage you to conceptualize your topics in order to get a sense of what you're actually doing. Taking a derivative easy, but if you don't understand what you're doing physically or graphiclly, that's wheree problems begin. This particular book talks about math in the broader sense, and does not make you do actual problems (that's why I posted about it!) it's applicable to a wide audience! There are other books like "Differential Equations in 24 hours" that are more geared towards learning and practicing a mathematical class then conceptualizing it.
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It depends if you do mathematics only for sake of practical application for industrial and economic purpose, or to train into logic or more with a platonic sense of valueing reasoning and solving problem with the mind, like mental training into idealism and logical thinking more than to be trained in a sector of the industry.
Mathematics is a discipline in itself that has value beyond physics modelling.
Rieman showed very well this problem of how to determine the "physicality" of mathematics equation in " the Hypotheses Which Lie at the Foundations of Geometry".
If its for economic purpose, all together advanced mathematics only has marginal use in the whole process of designing commercially succesful industry, in which direct experience and practical insight and "know how" might be more important than knowing mathematic formulas.
Specially with computers, now there are plenty of software that can be used for solving engineering or accounting issues, without needing to know about the math behind.