No, I'm saying that consciousness doesn't really exist. The illusion is just a bubble surrounding a machine.
We are already living in the illusion. What IS consciousness? It's hard to define, right?
It's just the idea of taking in sensory information and processing it, isn't it?
It's mechanical and stilted. Smarterchild, that old chat AI, is like the most thin bubble. A few words, and you realize it's just a machine. Pop.
Cleverbot is a bit better, the bubble of consciousness illusion is thicker. You might be fooled for a bit. Even it might be fooled, from its own perspective. But with prodding... Pop.
Introduce: The Human Machine. Me or you.
How mechanical are we? Of course it seems complex, just complex enough to fool us into thinking we're free-willed or something, or that we're not a machine. But we can't see the code that we're running on. The system architecture is too complex to fully comprehend.
Yet, it is still a machine. That means our consciousness is just another bubble, and if poked enough, it could pop, revealing that we are just mechanical beings, and that the real pilot is our genetic code. Not the brain.
I love the way you word your thoughts!
This idea that consciousness doesn't exist is becoming very popular! It reminds me of the logical positivists, who swept every question they disliked under the rag by claiming "this statement is (literally) meaningless". Problem solved. Next question.
It's funny how I'm having the exact same discussion on another post. So I'll again just quote my response:
It's funny how you can be so sure that things around you (like cleverbots) exist, but consciousness? No, that's an illusion!
Anyway, any further probing into this issue will just become too long.