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RE: Rewriting the story of Human Origins.

in #science7 years ago

Common, the Darwin's theory hasn't been fully accepted by the scientific community. What is being taught in our universities is because they don't have any other option then to believe in Darwin's theory, even though nothing is proven yet.
If evolution meant only gradual genetic change within a species, we’d have only one species today—a single highly evolved descendant of the first species. Yet we have many. How does this diversity arise from one ancestral form?
Evolution is undeniably true if it means simply that existing species can change in minor ways over time, or that many species living today did not exist in the past. But Darwin’s claim that all species are modified descendants of a common ancestor, and DNA mutations and natural selection have produced those modifications, are not so undeniably true.


WHATTTTTTTTTTTT?????????????????????? No. Sorry to pull rank, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about. The theory of evolution is now confirmed as scientific fact, there is no debate about it. We now understand there were some inconsistencies with Darwins work, however he did some of the most accurate, influential and mandatory early work for the theory. I DONT KNOW where you are getting your information from but if all evidence leads to a theory, there is no opposing theory, and the theory turns out to be true in both practice and paper, there is no scientific reason to believe otherwise. This is what we observe with evolution. I AM IN UNIVERSITY FOR BIOLOGY, so please don't debate me on this subject unless you have REAL evidence that proves the opposite. EVOLUTION IS PROVEN. __________________________________________ It is also obvious from your comments you dont UNDERSTAND the concept of evolution and how it manifests. The entire idea of evolution is that there is no direction, speciation acts on all individuals of all populations of organisms causing different species to arise. There are multiple times of speciation that can occur and each lead to different times of phenotypic and genotypic change along with population sizes and realized niches. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ I will give to you that yes, Darwin's exact description of evolution in its details weren't all correct. Which is why we have modified our theory of evolution to fit what it is today. Claiming he hasn't been fully accepted by the community or that his theory is "pure conspiracy" is simply not true. It would be like attributing the same characteristics to Einsteins theories because he didn't properly describe Quantum Mechanics, just general relativity.

I can just advice you to check the Dean of your university and confirm whether, theory of evolution is a fact or still a theory and on which date theory has been accepted as a fact.

On what grounds? Multiple professors and acclaimed biologists alike have made and proven this claim. The "Theory" of Evolution proposed by Darwin has been taken into account when building the modern understanding of evolution which includes multiples types of speciation and mutation. Most of what I study also centers around Cladogenesis and Anagenesis, the structure of the initial speciation event. These terms were fist mentioned by Orator Cook in the early 1900s. Hugo de Vries, Gregor Mendell, Hardy and Weinburg have all contributed to describing the different mechanism we understand today. Modern examples of evolution have been observed, described and proven to have observable events linked to the speciation event. Try I dont need to ask my Dean, because my dean has put in a proper curriculum that lets me understand examples first hand and see how Evolution manifests in the real world, ffs some of this stuff I learned in high school.

dude wtf??? you can't even converse for yourself?? you think i'm going to watch a 12 minute video say something you can't put together?? I'm not watching this. Everything I say is from my own mind and knowledge, this either means your too lazy to put the effort into actually arguing for your religion, your beliefs and your mindset (which in itself is not virtuous at all). OR you just don't know what to say to defend me, so you had to google some video on atheist/evolutionists that SOMEBODY ELSE PUT TOGETHER because you don't even know how to defend yourself. This has me real triggered and is why I can't stand religion near science!!! It makes people blind and allows them to con themselves into thinking they are right no matter what. I didn't want to bash religion but I will be making a video next week.

Relax man.... science students must be open to anything...Evolution the biggest lie ever taught in school... can you provide example of one observable evidence of change of kinds for Darwin's evolution?

what the fuck :'( bro your actually making me so upset why do you say these things... like why are you making me provide you more examples :( I already answer the "unstumpable question" but here : this is a find example. As I said before Darwins evolution isn't actually true, he definitely made mistakes no doubt, but he was also before everyone else I listed except for I think Gregor Mendell. BUT I CANT KEEP CALM WHEN YOU TELL ME EVOLUTION IS LIE. I can't be open to anything, I can't be open to the idea that a man can walk in space without a suit because it is agaisnt the laws of physics and nature. But here the biggest problem lies in exactly what I mentioned before, because you don't understand and don't have these examples in your mind you attribute these things to divinity. I'm not attacking you here but, you haven't been right about anything? Everytime you make a claim or say something I come back with what I feel is a well explained and defined example. Then you go and just redirect the question or the topic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please answer this for me. Did you read the page on the peppered moths? How do you believe this example of evolution can be disproved or discreditted?

Yes, my dear friend , i read the article about peppered moths...i can just find that there was change in color of moths but couldn't find anything more which i expected like change of one species into another. I apologize if i heart your sentiments,faith and blind belief in evolution.

But...... you're essentially saying "Yes you gave me an example of evolution, I just don't understand it." If you go to the same wiki page and Majerus's experiment on the subject you might understand more. "I couldn't find anything more which I expected like change of one species to another" .... THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT YOUR LOOKING AT you just don't understand it. -----------------------------------All of these killer whales are DIFFERENT SPECIES. Yet I would say they are much more similar in color to either variation of the peppered moth no? You call ME blind but HOW IS THIS BLIND? I provide you picutres, articles, names, information and you response with blatant ignorance. I'm surprised i've even spent this amount of time trying to educate you. Honestly i'm over this conversation. You offer nothing but defiance and I'm SURE there is a part of you that knows there is truth here, a part that wants to doubt the religion but can't quite get there yet.

Took me less time to write, for you to read, and respond than it would have for me to watch your video

OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE: THIS WAS LIKE 50 YEARS AGO (idk I haven't even checked in so long). I'VE ALREADY GIVEN YOU ONE!!!! ARGGG!! you frustrate me.