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RE: The 5G "Internet of Things" and its Death Towers Must Not be Allowed to Happen !

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Would you please share some links to avoid me to google it (if you have already the links)?

Although updated standard that define capabilities beyond those defined in the current 4G standards are under consideration, those new capabilities have been grouped under the current ITU-T 4G standards. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the spectrum for 5G, including the 28 GHz, 37 GHz and 39 GHz bands, on 14 July 2016.[7][8]

We need to operate with particular numbers.. Which intensity of which frequency on which distance could cause mentioned damages. Also, time of exposition plays an important role.

This is important because research on microwaves already tells us how pulsed waves have more profound biological effects on our body compared to non-pulsed waves.
The link please (what is the difference in effect on organics).
Can't find description of pulsed waves danger in this post

Anyway, effect depends heavily on exposition conditions and energy density.
The higher the frequency, the less the coverage area.

On one hand it means more base stations, but on the other hand it could allow to lower the initial power of each base. This means the energy of EMF will be distributed more flat. Energy near base station is closer to energy on the edge of coverage area.

Don't forget that 5G called Internet of Things.

Example estimation: I know that Wi-Fi module for IoT eats 200 mAmps @ 5V @ constant burst sending data.
0.2 * 5 = 1W - and this is a lot for IoT.

5G should allow device to spend at least 5-10 times lower energies.

Now we need to find particular numbers of EMF power (in Watts) which could damage organics. Do you have some?