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RE: Learning How To Power My Home For Free

in #science7 years ago

LIES, BS & ELECTRICAL HOOEY from electronics FRAUD. You have NO credentials or education in electronics. Radient energy is a charlatan term for back EMF from an inductor or coil. The Bedini motor just desulphates a lead acid battery but does NOT CHARGE it. The high voltage low duty cycle pulses contain NO REAL POWER and cannot charge the battery. You ruined lots of battery banks on your previous homestead. Every year, you needed new batteries. Scamming people with techno-babble is very WRONG, especially from a battery killing solar FAILURE as yourself who just doesn't understand what he is doing WRONG.@thediyworld More


And, for the record:

I went to Tuscola Area Skill Center for electronics half a day, every day, in my last two years of high school. I have certificates from that.

I took an electronics class at Delta College in night school during my last year of high school.

I took some electronics engineering classes in Michigan Tech.

I took some online courses in computers and electronics while serving in the US Army.

In Germany I had my own computer repair and sales shop for many years. During that period I developed and patented the World's first water cooling system for computers.

I was over clocking CPUs at that time and super cooling them. I had some of the fastest CPUs in existence at that time.

It is laughable now but I had a Pentium 75 running at 120 Mhz. I was over clocking Athlon CPUs to 1.5 their normal rated speeds sometimes using super cooling and water cooling.

I designed my own electronics control panels for the water cooled computers with temperature alarms, moisture alarms and other controls.

So, yes, I have some electronics background.

But you did not know that. You dont know me. All you know is that I have a homestead and am trying to live off the grid and become fully self sufficient on a budget.

It does not give you the right to tell people "as fact" anything about me. Especially when you are so wrong.

High school electronics, skill center are at very basic levels. What classes exactly at Michigan Tech? You did NOT finish or even get an AS in electronics so you could work as a technician? What is your patent number so we can look it up? Your propensity to skirt paperwork and dodge permits makes your claim of a patent very likely a LIE. Patent Number, please. Or it was someone else's patent that you are laying claim to as your own work. Your level of electronics is high school and very basic. The Bedini motor was a high school girl's science project and you do NOT understand it's value. It is NOT economical to build or use and is a NOVELTY only. Another 'clickbait' title? How is house powered for FREE by a circuit that is not free to build or use? If lead-acid batteries are used (charged, discharged) properly then the Bedini desulphation isn't necessary. Lead-acid batteries do NOT power homes. Your own Mother said and told you 'You never had any power to speak of in New York.' 'You NEVER had power, Troy'.

Lead acid battery DO power homes. Think before you write.

You can build a Bedini Motor for free using all free recycled materials. So yes, it is free to use and build.

I do not bow to demands of common trolls.

Lead-acid batteries require too much maintenance time to be useful anymore. Lithium batts are useable down to 20%, 5 times the lifetime so much better all around. Also NO Bedini desulfation required. You just too CHEAP to buy them. You don't understand charging and constantly ruined battery banks. I believe you are looking for NEW batteries as you have already ruined the Trojans from PrepperNurse. How many battery banks have you ruined now?

@hunnybadger Yes, lithium batteries are now a better option than lead acid, but then Troy would have no use for his bedini weeni magic machine.

You bow to me you prick

He may not bow to you but he may bend over for you hoping he can play the same games with you as he is with TJ, maybe a quick game of noodle rope

Since we are on the record show the patent number. While you are on the record looking for the patent number dig up the Police report filed for the Great Chicken Massacre, The Arson Investigation and the building and electrical permits. All of your solar installations require permits.

No. I show our daily lives on YouTube for your FREE entertainment. You do not make demands of me.

This isn’t the first time you’ve claimed that you had the first patent for water cooling computers. This particular dodgy claim was analysed on the forum and no one could find any details of you filing this mysterious patent. Here’s your opportunity to prove that one of your many lies isn’t a lie by posting the patent number. Was it filed in Germany?,87.0.html

Post your graduate certificates and your DD-214, until you do your a fraud

High school electronics, skill center are at very basic levels. What classes exactly at Michigan Tech? You did NOT finish or even get an AS in electronics so you could work as a technician? What is your patent number so we can look it up? Your propensity to skirt paperwork and dodge permits makes your claim of a patent very likely a LIE. Patent Number, please. Or it was someone else's patent that you are laying claim to as your own work. Your level of electronics is high school and very basic. The Bedini motor was a high school girl's science project and you do NOT understand it's value. It is NOT economical to build or use and is a NOVELTY only. Another 'clickbait' title? How is house powered for FREE by a circuit that is not free to build or use? If lead-acid batteries are used (charged, discharged) properly then the Bedini desulphation isn't necessary. Lead-acid batteries do NOT power homes. Your own Mother said and told you 'You never had any power to speak of in New York.' 'You NEVER had power, Troy'.

Oh i remember Troy killing dozens of batteries, and saying his Bedini Motor would bring them back to life, but they never were. how many thousand of dollars did you destroy in batteries, Your wiring from panels was not the right gauge always did it the wrong way, never the right way and every winter the batteries died, always blamed it on the weather, when he should have blamed himself.

I show everything on video and explain things clearly.

There is no need for you to be here harassing me about everything I do or say.

If you dont believe me then leave.

It does NOT give you permission to destroy my family like you and your friends are doing.

NONE. You and I both know that. You are an electrical FRAUD. Stop using techno-babble to give yourself credability when you have NONE. YOU chose SCAMMING as means of livelyhood. No one else. STOP expecting others to PAY for your life. Get a job ya LAZY Bum!!!!@thediyworld Electrical/electronics credentials please? You have

I make daily videos of our lives on our 18 acre homestead.

YouTube is FREE entertainment for you. Nobody who watches my YouTube pays me a single cent.

Google pays my check each month.

Essentially Google pays my mortgage.

You dont believe what I put on my videos. Then leave. There is no need or reason for your to harass my family like you do.