The Fungi

in #science7 years ago
Greetings scientific community of Steemit!, especially to my friends and members of the communities of biology and science. For this occasion, I bring to them the subject-matter of the fungi, since, they are beings eucariontes belonging to the kingdom fungí, they fulfill a vital role in our ecosystems. Also, the biodiversity of these species is enormous, great major than that of the vascular plants, one of his importance is his value in the ambience of the health, since the penicillin, it is one of the antibiotics most secondhand and prescribed in the world from his discovery, in a type of mushroom called Penicillium and it was discovered by Alexander Fleming, also they are made use to treat asthma, rheumatoid arthrites, renal Insufficiency, I damage for brain stroke.

On the other hand the eatable fungi, it has a nutritional potential, also they are made use in yeast, for the preparation of food and of alcoholic drinks, at level of natural ecosystem, they are a source of natural recycling, which helps to other plants.

Basic information.

The fungi is organisms eucariotas, generally multicellular, it presents rigid walls, they lack chlorophyll, owed that are heterótrofos. You feed of substances in decomposition, which appears in the soil, across the membrane and the cellular wall, his reproduction makes them seem more to the vegetables, because, they produce spore that they disperse with the wind.

On the other hand they can adapt oneself to a lot of forms and his colorations depend in the ecosystem, which they are located. In the ecosystem, these organisms have the roll of primary descomponedores, acting generally in the dead matter, which appears in the animals and plants, acting as a fundamental agent in the cycles geoquímicos.

Nutrition heterótrofa.

These beings are unable to take free energy, for trasformar inorganic matter in organic. They feed realizing an external digestion carried out by means of the secretion of enzymes, which allow later the absorption of dissolved molecules, being this form of feeding known under the name of Osmotrofia, also a dependency has with other beings heterótrofos, in the majority they are bacteria sintetizadoras.

It represents 1. It shows us the process of nutrition of the fungi. (Prepared for @iguana78)

Characteristics and principal groups.

The entire body of a mushroom receives the name of talo, formed by a dense network of structure tubular branched, call s hifa, which are a part of a set named micelio. Across the hifa the content of the citoplasmas moves freely for the whole organism, including the nuclei.

Inside this kingdom the fungi is included unicelulares and the multicellular ones, as well as also the líquenes, due to his nature of organism simbiontes between seaweed and fungi it does not justify a separate treatment. The paleomicología is the science that studies the fossils of fungi.

Mixomicente, ficomicentes, ascomicentes, basidiomicetes and imperfect fungi.

Formed by the mushroom mulcilaginoso, it presents colors diversely, his live it is located in places where exitan substratum humid, it is nourished of micoorganismos, spores and particles organically, they can move by means of mass, with the help of pseudopodos.

It reproduces for spores, when they germinate, swimmers are usually cellular scourges, since the spores play an important role, in his phase of germination, the individual cells also gather together in a mucilaginous mass, but without to work, for to cause a structure multicélurar, in the case that can present an aspect of an amoeba of a mushroom.

It represents 2. There is observed the cycle of life of the mucilaginous fungi, a very common species in reproducing for spore is Dictyostelium. (Prepared for @iguana78)

Formed by the fungi seaweed, his characteristic is that sifonado possesses a vegetative body, with hifa tubular without intermediate dividing walls.

Ficomicétes. They split in:
1 Oomicétidas.
2 Quitridiomicétidas.
3 Zigomicétidas.

In es you group represents felled sifonal, in some case they are they have patterns unicelulares. with characteristic colorless, since, they do not form fruitful bodies, reproduce by means of the union of two gametangios (producing spore); and also of way axesual for spores.

It has the peculiarity of being unicelulares, in this group the majority there are parasites of plants or of invertebrates, also they are sarprofitos. They reproduce asexualmente by means of zoosporas (spore flagellated).

In this group, they present micelio developed well and branched out, are characterized for being sarprofitos, in some I marry parasites. It reproduces in an asexual way, by means of spores espefisicas, without scourges, one of the species more common in this group is (grape Plasmopara), proveniente of america of the north.

It represents 3. It shows us in this sheet of farming of the grape, the presence of the mushroom parasite grape Plasmopara. (Photo taken and edited for @iguana78).

For this group of fungi, they are characterized because his spore, asca forms inside a small called sack, also it can be unicelulares. There reproduces in an asexual way, by means of spores conests, which detaches delos ends of hifas formed in chains.

They are the raw material for the making of yeasts, used to prepare breads, alcoholic drinks, that's why when the breads are, submitted down great humid they activate this fungi. also fungi exists inside this malicious group, as the causer of the leprosy of the melocotero (Taphrina deformans).

They are characterized by the presence of a structure in the shape of mace, call basidio, in whose interior the spores form. It reproduces in a sexual way of the basidiomicetes it is the following one: two filaments haploides fuse, to form a certificate diploide, where other one forms cells basidio, with two nuclei they work and the basidio turns in cigoto.

It represents 4. It shows us in this sheet of cucumber, the presence of the mushroom Basidiomicete, of the species parasites that it provokes illnesses in this one types of farmings. (Photo taken and edited for @iguana78).

The most common in this group are, the eatable species of mushrooms and not eatable parasites belonging to the genre (Puccina).

Imperfect fungi.
They are formed by all those especiesde mushroom that they cannot classify inside the group of the ascomicetes not of the basidiosmicetes, as which it has a way of reproduction, which lacks of basing, since, in the majority desconose his sexual way or if really exite. An example of this group is the (Montilla).

Species of symbiosis.
The lichens are results of the symbiosis between a mushroom and a seaweed, managing to obtain a capacity of resistance suprior to that of any of it separated by species or group.

At level of the science of the biology, it determines as species of mutualismo, owed that realizes the following thing, by means of the photosynthesis, it produces food for she and the mushroom, obtaining water and minerals, that's why it has the capacity of resistance against the drying. There exists a species of crustaceans, which form in the rocks, for his resistance to high temperatures, in some case observes a structure known like apotecios, that allow him inside the producing asca of spores, there is two class some of ascoliquenes, when his micobionte is asomicete, and that thing about type basidioliquenes, characterized by his basidiomicete.

It represents 5. It is observed in this small rock covered for líquines, very little one sees clear part. (Photo taken and edited for @iguana78).

It was known that the líquenes, are used in some investigations as indicators of contamination atmospheric, when he persists composed as the dioxide of sulfur, since, in ambience pollutant, there dies this species, for which, to entering contacts with these, compound pollutant destroys his chlorophyll.

It represents 6. Types of eat fungi. (Prepared for @iguana78)

An important fact on the fungi eatable, that offer us at level of nutrition, makes possible of increasing the levels of vitamin D and reinforcing the function of the immune system, is advised to the producers of cultivating them and treating it with organic skills, since, they all can adsorber the substance of his environment.

It represents 7. Nutritional information of eatable fungi. (Prepared for

In conclusion, the fungi is important from the moment, that the man had contact with them, this way to realize the important thing, that they are at nutritional level, big support in topic of health, applied in the medicine to eradicate many illnesses, on the other hand, the fundamental base for the making of yeast, also organism serves as knowledge the suitable manipulation of these for his good use

Bibliographical sources.

The guide of INCAFO of the fungi of the Iberian Peninsula - Volumen1. for Gabriel Moreno, ‎José Luis García Manjón, ‎Álvaro Zugaza (1986).

The fungi, manual and didactic guide of mycology for Sánchez Rodríguez, Juan Antonio and others IRMA S.L

Rippon J. Medical mycology: Fungi and actinomycetos pathogenic. Mexico. Piece of news ED. Inter-American, 1990: 33-56.

Goihman M. Actinomycosis, nocardiosis and actinomycetona. In: Fitzpatrick T, Freedberg I, Eisen A, Wolf K, Austen F. Dermatology in general Medicine. Fifth edition. McGraw-Will. New York 1999: 2293-96.

Race To, Maibach H. Bacterial infections. In Onkin M, Maibach H and cabbage Eds. Publishing dermatology The Modern manual. Mexico 1994: 11-112.

Fica A, Caosi B, Valenzuela M, Carrasco X. Thoracic Actinomicosis with commitment pericárdico and pulmonary. Rev. Chil. Infectologia 1999; 16: 63-9.

The paleomicología and the fossil record of the fungi - Dialnet for AJP Luque ‎ (2002).

Wild eatable fungi, them: global perspective d
By Eric Boa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2005).

Kingdom Fungi



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