Relevance:Challenging the Global Warming, oops I mean Climate Change NarrativeCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Challenging the Global Warming, oops I mean Climate Change NarrativeCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
I almost tagged this IW but wasn't sure!
@openparadigm I think this is a huge battle in the #informationwar, we can tell by how people are given a label (Climate science denier) so their arguments can be ignored.
I had some mook flag my post! So I returned the favor (his disappeared) I tag my flag #education... Never start a flag war with someone that can make you disappear!
LOL, thats what kids need these days education!
With a stick!
And I'm just the man for the job!!!
lol, you think you made me dissappear?
Only your post... would you like us to make it happen???