An Answer for Civil Society

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Helo dear steemian, in this opportunity i wanna share something about particle that was sounds strange in the public, for indonesia scroll down.

A Name

Source : langitselatan

In this post I would like to share a little knowledge about a "Higgs-bosson"was discovered in 2012 that has become a controversy for some people, in this case, some controversy may appear wether it among Civil society. Why ? Because of the society's assumption that the higg-bosson was a particle or an element of god substance .... No, the god particle is just a name (a name). Therefore, in this post I will share a little insight for the readers.

A View of People Society

Source :wikimedia

The answer is, Peter Higgs is an inventor of higgs-bosson, basically the name of this particle has nothing to do with "god". From a source claim the name of god particles has been known since 1963, this particle originally was named with a damned particles or "Goddam Particle" because difficult of its existence, but a book author changed his name to the "God Particle" in his book "God Particle: If Universe is the Answer, what is the question?" because the research of this particle has gained worldwide attention and spent a lot of money. While petter said there is no religious nuance of this particle.

The Existence of "Particle"

Source :

Initially, the existence of higgs-bosson had been questioned by several researchers, but several other confirmed that the particle was real. They have given some reasons that higgs-bosson has been discovered by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). The fact of particle can be strengthened, because they have several reasons, CERN has two teams that compared the results of research, Namely A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS) and Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS). They conducted the same experiments by testing and verifying both results together. The second reason is the finding results are ranked from zero to five-sigma. In 2012, two teams have stated that their data shows two similar two-sigma levels. Thus, this event proves that the Higgs-Boson particle actually exists. Two-sigma translation gives the result that 95% of result isn't due to statistical coincidence.

Start of Material Formation

Source :researchgate

A part purpose of God particle research is to find the origin of the Big Bang, where the start point is the driving force of all the universe matter, include the formation of planets, solar systems and galaxies. In addition, the god particle was convinced by experts to have an influence of Big Bang formation at 13.7 trillion years ago. How can it be ? In the Big-Bang theory mentioned;

The Big Bang is the theory of an event that led to the formation of universe based on cosmological study of early form and development of universe (also known as the Great Explosion Theory).

So the scientists argue that the universe was created after a massive explosion, so that atoms and particles form the sun, planets and galaxies. As a layman, we only know that the planets are made up of gas, whether hydrogen gas (H2), Oxygen (O2) and other gases such as methane and so on. Through the gases then form an object or matter (planet, galaxy).

The Relationship with Big-bang

Source :wikipedia

In some theory, after the Big Bang event only energy was exists, and then when the nature cools down the matter particles and antimatter were formed in equal amounts, but the experts have never found anti-matter particles during the universe exist, so they begin to do some research to find the antimatter, in some theory it has mentioned that matter is first formed rather than antimatter, when both particle meet each other they will become an explosion (destroyed), Then the remains is the material that forms the planets, stars and galaxies. What is antimatter? some subatomic atoms in opposite directions with matter is called as antimatter, for example positrons (antiparticles of positively charged an electrons). When antimatter and matter meet together they will release amount of energy, this can be seen in Einstein's equation E = m.c2 where E = Energy, m = mass, and c = the speed of light. 


The naming of the "God Particle" given by a book author which the particle's name was originally "Goddam Particle" as it's hard to find this particles.

Versi Indonesia

Suatu Nama Sebutan

Source : langitselatan

Dalam postingan ini saya ingin berbagi sedikit pengetahuan tentang sebuah penemuan "Partikel Tuhan" di tahun 2012 yang mejadi kontroversi bagi sebagaian masyarakat,bagi masayarakat yang awam dibidang fisika dan kimia juga yang keliru dengan sebutan "Partikel Tuhan". Kenapa ? Karena anggapan masayarakat bahwa pertikel tuhan adalah sebuah partikel atau suatu unsur penyusun zat tuhan....Bukan, partikel tuhan hanyalah sebuah nama (sebutan). Oleh karena itu, dalam postingan ini saya akan memberikan sedikit wawasan kepada pembaca.

Pandangan Orang Awam

Source :wikimedia

Jawabannya, Peter Higgs adalah seorang penemu higg-bosson, pada dasarnya penamaan partikel ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan "tuhan". Dari suatu sumber menyatakan penamaan partikel tuhan sudah dikenal sejak tahun 1963, awalnya partikel ini diberi nama dengan partikel terkutuk atau "Goddam Particle" karena keberadaanyan sulit ditemukan,tapi seorang penulis buku mengubah namanya menjadi "God Particle" dalam bukunya "God Particle: If Universe is the Answer, what is the question?" karena pencarian partikel ini telah mendapat perhatian dunia dan banyak menghabiskan dana. Sedangkan petter menyatakan tidak ada nuansa agama dalam partikel ini.

Keberadaan "Particle"

Source :

Awalnya, keberadaan higg-bosson sempat diragukan oleh beberapa peneliti, namun beberapa peneliti lain memastikan bahwa partikel ini nyata. Mereka telah memberi beberapa alasan bahwa penemuan higgs-bosson telah berhasil ditemukan oleh CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). Kenyataan itu dapat dikuatkan karena mereka memiliki beberapa alasan, diantaaranya CERN memiliki dua tim yang saling membandingkan hasil riset yaitu, A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS)  and Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS). Mereka melakukan percobaan yang sama dengan menguji dan menverifikasi kedua hasil riset bersama-sama. Alasan yang kedua hasil penelitian berada di ranking nol hingga lima sigma. Pada tahun 2012, dua tim telah menyatakan bahwa data mereka menunjukkan dua level two sigma yang serupa. Sehingga, peristiwa ini membuktikan partikel Higgs-Boson itu benar-benar ada. Terjemaahan two-sigma memberikan hasil bahwa 95% hasil riset bukan karena kebetulan statistik.

Awal Mula Pembentukan Materi

Source :researchgate

Tujuan dari penelitian partikel tuhan untuk mencari asal mula Big Bang, dimana titik awal ini merupakan penggerak semua materi alam semesata, termasuk terbentuknya planet, tata surya dan galaksi. Disamping itu partikel tuhan diyakinkan oleh para ahli mempunyai pengaruh dalam pembentukan Big Bang pada masa 13.7 triliun tahun lalu. Bagaimana bisa ? Dalam teori big-bang disebutkan; 

Dentuman Besar adalah teori tentang sebuah peristiwa yang menyebabkan pembentukan alam semesta berdasarkan kajian kosmologi mengenai bentuk awal dan perkembangan alam semesta (dikenal juga dengan Teori Ledakan Dahsyat ).

Sehingga para ahli berpendapat, alam semesta tercipta setelah terjadi ledakan dahsyat, sehingga atom dan partikel membentuk planet-planet dan galaksi-galaksi.Secara awam, kita hanya mengetahui bahwa planet terbentuk dari gas, baik itu gas hydrogen (H2), Oksigen (O2) dan Gas-gas lain seperti methana dan sebagainya. Melalui perkumpulan gas hingga membentuk suatu benda atau materi (planet, galaxy). 

Hubungan Dengan Big-Bang

Source :wikipedia

Dalam suatu teori mengatakan, setelah terjadi Big-Bang hanya energy yang ada, kemudian ketika alam telah mendingin maka partikel materi dan antimateri terbentuk dalam jumlah yang sama, namun para ahli belum pernah menemukan partikel anti materi selama alam semesta ada, sehingga mereka mulai melakukan penelitian untuk menemukan antimateri ini, sehingga para ilmuwan tidak yakin akan hal ini. Dalam satu teori disebutkan bahwa materi lebih dulu terbentuk daripada antimateri, ketika keduanya saling bertemu maka akan terjadi ledakan (hancur), Kemudian yang tersisa hanyalah materi yang membentuk menjadi planet, bintang dan galaksi. Apa itu antimateri, pertikel sub atom yang berlawanan arah dengan materi disebut dengan antimateri, contohnya positron (antipartikel dari elektron bermuatan positif). Ketika antimateri dan materi bertemu mereka akan melepaskan energi, hal ini bisa dilihat dalam persamaan Einstein E=m.c2 dimana E = Energy, m = massa, dan c = kecepatan cahaya.


Sebenarnya, "Partikel Tuhan" hanyalah sebuah sebutan, atau unsur baru yang ditemukan dalam penyusun atom, penamaan "Particle Tuhan" diberikan oleh seorang penulis buku dimana awalnya nama partikel tersebut adalah "Partikel Terkutuk" atau "Goddam Particle" karena sulitnya untuk menemukan partikel ini.

Source : 


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Sub-atomic Particle

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I told you already, on the steemit chat, that there is no god particle. There is a Higgs boson, but no god particle. This is just a name media use. This is very upsetting. I know you said it in your post, but then just don't use this wording! Please don't play the media game.

In addition, the Danish expert you mentioned has not really said that what we discovered at the LHC was not a Higgs boson, but said that it could be something else too. The words matter.

During time, we known the atom is only composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. But nowdays, after the discovery of the higgs-bosson the atomic constituents have increased, meaning that the first atomic compounds have only 3 but the atomic atoms are composed of 4 component, it is higgs-bosson or called also as "God Particle". So why it name should be as god particles?

This is wrong. There is no Higgs boson inside atoms. Atoms contain a nucleus and electrons, and the nucleus is made of protons and neutrons, that are all made of quarks and gluons. As you can see, no Higgs here.

The rest of your post is kind of sloppy on some aspects. I don't want to comment more, but I am tired people being alarmist for nothing.

im sorry prof, honestly i dont mean to alarmist on this post but i admit my fault to conclude each word that i took from the source i read. i removed some part which has been mistaken when i conclude it. thanks prof for advice, i just graduated of bachelor degree, i still need a guidance to create some content