Excellent post. Here is my humble contribution to what is the Time:
Time is movement in a curved space . It's merely an intuition, but imagine a marble in a table. The marble does not move everything is quiet. So absence of movement is somewhat related to absence of time. No, let's go to the bathroom an put the marble into the bathtub. The marble will begin to move. Then a movie begins, then we feel time.
Two days ago, I was travelling in a train, watching the landscape through the window. Then I realized that I didn't move, and I was throwing trees and vegetation to the past . And also I could chose the direction which I threw things to the past. This make sense to me. Another implication of time is velocity. Why when we are having fun and pleasure time goes so fast? and vice-versa. So, somewhere, sometime, someone must link time and physics to emotions and feelings. I hope.
thank you for your contribution!
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