Scientific Secret Reveled, Mind Blowing Part 1

in #science7 years ago


Well, let me let you in on a scientific secret that 99.9% of the population does not know about. I am sure that only a handful of people will read this blog. I am also sure that the majority of people will not care or even understand the following information. This blog is meant for the few who will make a difference in this world.

I have been a research scientist for decades. I have many global patents and many not publicly known technologies. So this information comes from real life lab experiments and working prototypes. To start, I must provide scientific theories that are strange and not taught in public schools. The root understanding of these theories are important to understand the secrets being reveled.

We live in an electromagnetic universe. We also live in a holographic universe. Both statements are true. Our Sun and all stars are not large gas planets burning Hydrogen and Helium by means of Fusion. Stars are electromagnetic emitters. In free space you can not see any star. You can see planets and solid material objects but stars are invisible. Light, as we call it, is a waste by product of EME (electro magnetic energy)that breaks down when it hits gross matter. In other words, our sun is a glowing bright object in the sky only when we look up through a planetary atmosphere. Once this is understood, than all atom theory physics goes out the window. Examples are speed of light, Einsteins E=MC2 and string theory etc. Yes, this is controversial but I do not care, nor will I engage in debating this statement. If you want to know the scientific truth, than study the works of Tesla, Maxwell, Steinmetz, Faraday, Eric Dollard and other brilliant minds.

We have been deliberately lead down the wrong road scientifically. There is no such thing as a "God Particle" that CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is supposedly trying to find. The entire universe operates on magnetism and electricity. Field Theory is the path to pursue not Atomic Theory. Everything is fields and fields can not be quantified, everything is pressure mediation. There is no such thing as a photon particle. Light is a pulse perturbation coaxial circular nature of light. It is a transverse electromagnetic longitudinal dielectric pulse perturbation at certain frequencies. Light photons and electrons are not what is taught in schools.

Our Sun emits EMF that is derived from counter space. It seems that all EMF frequency bandwidth has coded data on them. In other words, what we call visible light, has data coded on it. When this light hits DNA receptors on humans, plants and animals, data is transferred. Who or what exists in counter space that is responsible for the transmission and coding? This is a very important question.

Our research is showing that water is a key to this puzzle. Many know how important water is to carbon based life.
Well we are beginning to unlock some of the secrets of water. Water is a fascinating molecular compound. Water has memory and seems to be able to be programmed. Water can be restructured to form different geometric crystal shapes. What do I mean by this? Well water is a crystal. It can form shapes based on how the hydrogen atoms are positioned around the oxygen atom. This is not 100% technically correct but good enough for now. Water's Dipole Moment (the degree between the hydrogen atoms) can be manipulated. Traditional water or "Bulk" water has a dipole moment of 104.5 degrees.

Water acts like an organic battery. Bulk water with the hydrogen atoms at 104.5 degrees is spent water. In other words, this water is like a drained battery. Water that has the hydrogen atoms at 104.9 to 105.5 degrees has energy like a freshly recharged battery. When this "charged" water is consumed by carbon based organisms, the organism functions much better. The energy level in the organisms cells is ramped up and repairs are done quicker. Functions occur quicker and over all performance improves. Water forms different crystal shapes depending on how the hydrogen atoms sit on the oxygen atom. Each crystal shape has different properties. We have noticed that plants grow much faster, larger and have deeper root systems when energized water is given to them.

How is water restructured? What are the different crystal shapes that water can form? How do you program water? What does this mean for us humans? The answers are amazing. We are just scratching the surface of new amazing discoveries. Life's secrets revolve around water and coded EMF. How far will the secrets be reveled? I am not sure. Stay tuned for part 2. It will depend on how interested people are in this part 1 blog.

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Very interesting post and I'm thirsty for more! Looks like I'm going to be heating some distilled water to around 105 deg. by stove top to test this......

Not 105 degrees temperature. It is 105 degrees of separation between the hydrogen atoms. Take a look at the diagram once again. When you move the hydrogen atoms a little bit further apart to 105 degrees, water behaves completely different. It forms a new shape with different properties. It functions differently and super charges living cells

how is that angle achieved? i barely passed chem in college lol.

You win the prize. That is the correct question. It is also the $Billion Dollar question. This is our research secret that we discovered. I will give more clues in part 2 but I am very happy you asked that question. You are very intelligent and perceptive. Thank you for your comment. Stay tuned.

Well, I'm curious now myself. My brain didn't register angles but instead degree's and I thought how easy. I should've known there was more to it. Really curious.

will be waiting...

Some of your information is mind bloggling to say the least. Energize water sounds like it could help peoples aging effect slow down. Thanks for posting.

Yes, that is the tip of the ice berg. Energized water can slow ageing and help heal. The powers to be will never allow patents or production of the restructured energized water. That is why we no longer write white papers or provide press releases. Those in power do not want society to benefit from this science. Very sad. Thanks for your comment

I think only immortals will stop breeding. Stop breeding means stop reincarnation. The theory of us human as a battery in movie Matrix it not very farfetched in my opinion. Reincarnation was set up for them to collect "honey" from "bees". They achieve this by making us going circles of rebirth, giving us "good" and "bad" moral standards and "opportunity" to "make it right" and reborn again with erased memories. Therefore, your energized water will kill this grand plan, and will never be allowed.

I would not be surprised if you are right.

Hi @jetblake

Insane post man! Please let me know when you do the part 2 blog!

If you were able to inform on how this "energized" state is achieved I will be able to do experiments on my crop. That's if it is economically viable.

Hi @ jetblake

You have me thinking on this post. Are you perhaps referring to Photosynthesis or photon fusion or light injection?

You are very close, good observation. It is photon light infusion. Part 2 and Part 3 of this article will explain more. Yes, we are able to increase farm production by 200% and we can reclaim deserts with this engineered water.


You have me on the edge of my chair! Is there perhaps some other way to contact you? Or can you refer me to studies to read up on?

try my email at [email protected]. Our data is confidential, we no longer write white papers or apply for patents. Our technology is being tested but saved for future use when the global community is ready

I fully understand why you are keeping it confidential and it is really a pity. I feel very exited and at the same time damn frustrated.

One of the most interesting videos I've seen in the medical field is Dr Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business | Full Documentary | CANCER CURE and this video explains why you can't bring to light such unbelievable findings.

Wish you all the best in the tests!

is this similar to the process of micro-encapsulation that uses a lipid and electric charge like that from an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner machine

No. No electricity or sound is used in my process. There are two experiments that I would like to try that is similar to what you mentioned however. Good thoughts, thanks for sharing