Mind Over Matter: Can You SHAPE Your Own Reality? Science Says “Yes”

in #science6 years ago

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Reality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, some scientists have concluded. Rather than just being the reality that we all know – an unchanging monolith that can’t really be changed, so just deal with it – it’s actually a construct of your mind… which means you actually have lot more control over it than you think!

Since the first caveman looked up at the stars, we’ve always been asking the big questions. Why are we here, who are we, what exactly is the point of all this? Right now, we live in materialistic times where most of our life is comfortable, all our needs taken care of by useful gizmos.

We’ve forgotten that there’s something beyond the physical world – and even science, for the most part has focused on material, physical things to create much of the technology we use today, while rejecting other more ‘mystical’ ideas as backward.

But in the 20th century, many famous scientists showed that wasn’t true: Albert Einstein being the most famous, with Max Planck a second, both showed that consciousness – aka out mind – is inextricably linked to energy. Even Nikola Tesla said that the secrets of the universe were to be revealed in energy, frequency, and vibration.

It’s curious that mainstream science still continues to ignore these findings today, when quantum physicists are coming up with groundbreaking work on the nature of reality that turns so much of what we know right on its head.

But what does that mean for us? Quite a lot, as it happens. If nothing is quite what it seems, then how can you use it to your benefit? Can you use it for your benefit?

Consider that your five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch – are ways for us to translate the outside world. Our sight only sees a very narrow band of electromagnetic energy, converting it into what we see. The rest is simply “sight unseen.”

But that doesn’t mean it’s not there, and that it isn’t somehow interconnected with us and everything we do. This leaves us at a disadvantage if we don’t know what we can’t see, and give many a bias. If you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, right?
Take gravity – it’s invisible, but we know it’s there. Energy is much the same, but we don’t realize that it’s just as present as gravity.

Science was born in philosophy, but the two have kind of parted ways. Now, if you want to understand how to harness this unseen energy, then you need to step away from the conventional side of science and dip your toes into the mystical side of the pond.

Instead of believing the scientific point of view that all of this – everything you’ve ever seen and known – is the result of sheer bloody random luck in a mechanical universe, it’s time to believe that this is meaningful.

Does that mean there’s a creator? That’s beyond the scope of this article but let us assume this energy is the creator. As a part of that energy, we are interconnected with everything – and it is from our mind, itself an impressive collection of electromagnetic neurons and pathways that we can subtly influence everything in our life.

It’s still not clear to scientists studying this exactly how it works: quantum physicists are simply unable to untangle the mysteries of subatomic space as it operates on a completely different level to everything that we’re taught is normal.

But as a part of that consciousness, we’ve become. We are experimenting with our own thought patterns all the time, creating the reality which happens in front of us. If your energy is negative, then you will attract negative energy. If you’re positive, then good things come.

How many people have you noticed go into a spiral of misfortune? Helpless, cursing their luck and almost feeling condemned that nothing will go right for them. Now look at successful people, who are convinced that everything they do will work out and win.

You have the power within you to be one of these people. For most of us, we are split down the middle. Good days and bad days mingle with average days, and we accept our lot as it’s all we know. But what if that acceptance is keeping you there?

By thinking of yourself as a success and acting as one, you send a message to this energy out there – energy which you are a part of – calling it to assist you. What have you got to lose by trying? People may say that the world is getting tougher and more dangerous, but consider this: when you turn the news on, much of it is designed to make you feel fearful and worried.

Science shows that it is at the frontier of significant discoveries every year – but this particular branch is the most powerful one of the moment. It represents the opportunity for a huge seachange in humanity, if it is ever “allowed” to happen.

Until then, you can harness this knowledge for yourself and drive yourself towards the life you want. Whatever that ideal life is, it is not out of reach. It’s simply a matter of recalibrating your mind and believing.

Blind faith? Maybe, but you’ll be in good company with some of the greatest minds of the 20th century, and many of today’s leading physicists. The realization that you have unlimited power, all ready to be unlocked by your mind is a startling one, and one that will really help to unleash the imagination.

More than that, it revitalizes and rejuvenates your work. If you knew deep within yourself tht your success was imminent and just a case of working towards it today, you would do so with positivity, and without the negativity that comes with hard work for little reward in the short term.

So, it’s time to stop doubting and start believing in yourself and let the universe give you everything you dream of!


Yes, we can shape our own reality; for example we don't realize many things in our lifes unless we are out of a problem or a situation. Thinking back, we see things diferently, this was just an example; nice article !