There is another you in another universe who looks like you,talks like you even thinks like you.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

We think that every people is a different character.People's perspective,thinking and the way of judgement is different from others.One's style of talking,walking and thinking can't be matched with any others.Yes,it may be true that there is 7 persons in the world who look alike but they have differences also.Their look may be same but their style or characteristics are not same.At least I think so.

But do you know that there is another person who looks exactly like you?Not only just look but also she/he talks like you,walks like you even thinks like you.What is interesting is that her/his and your name is also same. The world she/he live in is exactly same to our world-same building,same roads,same places and same name of the places.The researchers named it "Parallel World".The concept of parallel world is not new.From a long time ago it has been talked about but no one has clear ideas about it.



You can think that it is just a myth.It is not unusual to think that but to proof what i'm saying I've collected some proves. Though it is not a believable fact but after reading this article you will be surprised even for a once as I was.

Incident 1:

A woman waking up in the morning noticed some differences



Lerina Gercia woke up one morning and became surprised noticing some changes.The bed sheet of her bed and the pajama she was wearing -which she saw before going to sleep and after waking up were different from each other and the bed sheet was also unfamiliar to her.She became more surprised when she went to work and discovered that her office was no longer hers,and she worked in the same building,but in a different department,under a boss she'd never met.She became puzzled.After returning home she phoned her boyfriend but unfortunately the man who picked up the phone was not her boyfriend,that was a unfamiliar person.She consulted to a doctor thinking that she has become mad.But after doing test the doctor ensured that her mental condition was okay.Finding no other option she posted a status on facebook seeking help to others.But after that incident no news of her was found.

There are 2 doubts on incident 1:

  • Where is she now?Did she return to her own universe?

  • When the Lerina Gercia of another universe was in this universe then where was the Lerina Gercia of this universe?

Incident 2:

The floating city of China



In october 2015 the people of Yuesang in the Guandong province of China saw an unbelievable seen.They saw that a giant big city was floating in the sky.That was five times bigger than the city below.The city came behind clouds and stayed a while before disappearing.This is more surprising,a few days later another floating city was seen again over the sky of Jiangxi province of China.

Various people have various opinions about it.Some think that that was a UFO,the aliens came to research on earth.Again some think that that was a parallel universe . But weather experts have explain the phenomena to be a natural mirage,an optical illusion called Fata Morgana.Fata Morgana can be seen on land or sea and involves the optical distortion and inversion of distant objects which can appears as skycrappers because the images become stacked when the rays of light bend as they pass throw air of different temperatures such as heat haze.



Incident 3:

The cabin in the Markawasi Stone Forest that leads to a parallel dimension



One day a woman along with her friends were camping at a site near the Markawasi forest.Suddenly they heard that music was coming from a small cabin.They claimed that they saw some people were wearing the 70th century fashion dresses and was dancing inside.The curious woman tried to enter,before she could get inside,one of her friends pulled her away and half of the her body that had entered the cabin became paralyzed.

Some believe that the woman partially entered a dimensional gateaway,and when she was pulled out,she experienced a shift that threw off her nervous system,that was resulted in her partial paralyzation.

I don't know what can be the exact explanations of these incidents.It may be the prove of existence of a parallel universe or may be the prove of the alien's existence or may be just an illusion.Whatever it is but undoubtedly it is a matter of great mystery.


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Eh, i've read abt the 2nd one but the first one, it might be fun maybe to switch for a day. Haha. Not fun though if the switch is not as ok as i am now. Or if it's better than me now. Ouch.

I think u should use a different tag and not utopian-io, this has no programming/coding thing going on.

You can think it as a fun, it is not believable to me also but I've heard about it from google and youtube,it is not my own made story.Okay,you don't need to trust me,it will be better if you search on google and read the information about the first one by your own eyes.

Who said anything about not trusting who?

I was talking about your tag at the last part.

You edited it later,after my reply.Okay,whatever,thanks for suggesting.I don't know much more about tags as I'm new,thank you.

Yeah because I put incomplete words so that's why. 😊Take it easy.