"What goes up must come down. Another asinine masonic theory easily disproven with childs logic."
Speaking of a child's logic. Geez.
- 'Please explain how geostationary satellites avoid the pull of the Earth's gravity "
They don't avoid the pull of earth's gravity.
- "Please explain why it is impossible to photograph by a regular civilian a SINGLE object between the observer and the light of the moon?"
You can if there happens to be something between you and the moon and your lens is good enough AND the object is large enough to even have a chance of being seen.
- "Please explain why a fired bullet makes no difference to the pull of gravity, "
A fired bullet is affected by the pull of gravity.
- "Please show any example of one body orbiting another body here on Earth or one instance of gravity making a sideways pull against an object (ie feather to mountain)"
You really haven't thought that one through? FFS.
{"Please explain why a fired bullet makes no difference to the pull of gravity, "
A fired bullet is affected by the pull of gravity.}
Yes, that is my point, a fired bullet is affected by gravity in the EXACT same way as a bullet dropped from the same height of the firing chamber... So in conclusion we see that the SPEED makes no difference in the rate of fall - GET IT? So a fast object falls at the same rate as a still object thus disproving newton's cannon- are you still missing something?
{"Please show any example of one body orbiting another body here on Earth or one instance of gravity making a sideways pull against an object (ie feather to mountain)"
You really haven't thought that one through? FFS.}
What about this is hard for you to understand? So a satellite can orbit the earth, the earth can orbit the sun etc etc but this idea is in no way reproducible in any setting here in the realm of actual physics. If you drop some micron dust flakes next to the great MASS of the Andes mountains they will fall in the exact same way as they would in the middle of the pacific ocean. In other words, gravity doesnt work the way it ought to. Keep thinking about it, go on, you got this.
I am answering your original questions on the first thread you started. Please, no one answer this, thus continuing a new subthread. She is Gish Galloping and starting multiple threads with multiple questions, and I'm asking her to stick to one single thread with the questions that we are already discussing.