Hello steemian ...
afternoon friends and fans steemian everything, at this time I will post on my brother, don't tell busy ...
Busy take care of the world has neglecting the majority of people from its main task, that is worship and preached Islam to fellow ... poor excuse, nantilah if you already have enough money ... already had a capital reasoned, nantilah if money excess ... already rich reasoned, wealth this needs to be taken care of to continue to develop ... and when they take care of his religion ...? Is the answer is the same as below ...?
شغلتنا أموالنا وأهلونا فاستغفر لنا يقولون بألسنتهم ما ليس في قلوبهم
"we have occupied by the property and our family, then mohonkanlah forgiveness for US", they say something with his tongue what no in his heart "(Surat. Inter alia-Fath [48]: 11)
whereas if you want to reflect a moment, the real livelihood of it is not too much ... needed for life is enough food to block the belly, outfit eligible to cover the genitals and worship, as well as a place to stay for shelter and keep the family ... did God is not a promising life easy, but not God promised that any difficulty there must be ease ...? If world affairs can be simplified like it, then of course will be available time is still a lot to worship and charity Salih ... a lot of time to preach ... a lot of time to strive ... a lot of time for studying ... many opportunities to help people more ... a lot of the opportunity to silaturrahim etc ... so life becomes field ...
Hasan Inter alia-Basri rahimahullah said: including sign berpalingnya God of slave is he will make the bustle servant of those in the case that does not useful as a form of an insult to it. Husyaim said: "if it is said to Mansur bin zadan that the Angel of death is located at the door ready to pick you up, then he could not add a practice again. This is because in time shubuh he went to the mosque to prayer shubuh congregation, then sit exalt up to the rising Sun, then he prayer Sunnah up to the Sun slip and prayers zhuhur. Ago prayer Sunnah again until it comes time ASR, then he prayer ASR, then sit exalt to come time maghrib, and prayer maghrib, and prayer Sunnah again until it comes time Isha ', and pray Isha', then go to the home and he fill time writing". Malik bin dinar rahimahullah said:
عجبا لمن يعلم أن الموت مصيره والقبر مورده كيف تقر بالدنيا عينه? وكيف يطيب فيها عيشه? ثم يبكي
"it is surprising for people who know that death is finally and the grave is the place of residence, but how views can be cool to the world? And how he could beautify life. Ago he cried.
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