
Awesome post man! I'll start sending the flat-earthers who tend to show up in the comments on my posts your way in the future :'D

Absolutely. I've followed you and I'll check out your posts in the future.

That's great to hear. I must say I was taken by surprise by how many flat-earthers found their way to this corner of the internet. So with my introduction post I got spammed to the ground by quite a lot of them who then also became a mob on my following posts...

But although it's disappointing to see that such backwards beliefs still exist in 2017, it's a bit entertaining too ;)

Following you back as well. Although I've more or less decided to flat out ignore this topic (pun intended) as it just seems to dumb me down every time I need to seriously read up on their claims and produce a counter argument.

@fredrikaa Your introduction post was very entertaining, to say the least. I think you handled it really well and with stoic professionalism and patience.

I just decided I'd make some money from them. It's fun as hell debunking them now! I got the idea for this post in the middle of the night fully formed and had to get up and write it and create all the images all in one go while I was laughing myself silly.

I guess one man's pain is another man's pleasure ;)

But seriously, too, I think there are too few people with sense and scientific knowledge out there doing any debunking or explaining the science well, and there are a lot of people looking into this that might be swayed to not go into the cult if they could get some good alternate information.

So, I'm hoping to do so contests and things to create a 'project' of flat earth debunkers and science writers, so we can crowdsource good rebuttals and articles and even pictures, that make it worth the while of people that have intimate knowledge of particular subjects that might not have thought about writing any debunk or explanation articles on the topic because it seems so ridiculous.

But while I'm making money, I really hope that a project of good, easy to understand science on the topic might take shape, and we can at least sway a few people who are on the fence and just need to understand the science a bit better.

Yes, I also started collecting all the memes, youtube videos, and proclaimed "evidence for a flat earth", that they keep on spamming in their posts believing they've delivered a strong case for their positions, with the intention of doing a series of smack-downs at one point.

So perhaps I should wait for your competition then instead of making a series ;P

And yes. I also noticed that when I took them on, I just got increased traffic by people wanting to enjoy the spectacle, and got some decent upvotes on my comments + a more regular following. So it works out ;)

I was checking out some of your others posts (and upvoted and resteemed) and wasnt' sure if I should post on your post or not, since it might invite Flat earthers to argue, but I would love to see an article on how and why you are 100% sure that there are satellites and that they are in orbit above the earth.

I think those kinds of pieces would be really educational.

If you do any types of those posts, about how you know certain things about the earth or how people can check for themselves (perhaps taking pictures of the cloud formations above their house on a day when the satellite will be over them and how to compare that to the raw satellite data?).

if so, I'd be happy to coordinate and do some sort of flat earth article that would be complimentary and work your piece into my article (as well as resteeming it and posting it to Facebook) to give you more exposure.

I'm really keen to get that kind of info out there. Not sure if you want the shitstorm of flat earthers coming to your page, though!

Oh, thanks for that. :)
I'm always up for a fight. As long as there's something in it for me and I'm not just spending time and energy feeding internet trolls.

I'll have something of the sort coming up. I can't promise you when, but the essence of such a post is there in my future posts folder :P

Will make sure to keep in touch. Are you on or something similar? Or I guess I'll just comment on one of your posts. Anyhow. All collective work to mutually benefit good science-writers on steemit is something I'll gladly support, and your help and support too is much apprecaited.

Hah, no need to wait. Make a series! I'm also hoping to compile a really good list of arguments for people to use to do debunks. I wish that Steemit had an edit feature, as I'd put up the article now and keep adding to it. But that doesn't make sense on Steemit. YOu have to do a 'Complete List of The Best Flat Earth Debunks' after you have the list complete and not make it a work in process.

that's my one complaint about Steemit.

I'm a flat-earther and I don't support this demeaning of my beliefs - I know 'science' proves all of these things to be true, but believing in something completely redundant and ridiculous gives me a sense of self-worth and pride similar to that of someone who sleeps with his first cousin. Believing the earth is flat makes me feel better than those who got better jobs, education and genetics, and that's something worth fighting for!

Just dropping by to say I love your flat-earth debunking posts :)

Me too! @kerriknox posts are great!

LOL. "There's (minimally) 1,00,000 men manning the (secret) patrol ships, the (secret) ships supplying the patrol ships, manning the (secret) ports/supply depots, organizing all the logistics to keep the fleet going (secretly), etc, etc, etc.
How many pilots and navigators, ship captains and navigators, submarine captains and navigators, navigational support staff, etc, etc, etc, are there in on it?

How many politicians (every country in the world)?

The only people dumber than flat earthers are people that get lobotomized.

Dude this is crazy. Hahaha :D
@kerriknox do you have an estimate of how many flat earthers are there? It's alarming if the number is big

It's frighteningly large. Hundreds of thousands on certain Facebook pages!

All from the United States, I hope.

I've given up debating with flatties. They are in denial about science. It seems to be part of a general suspicion about any authorities and certain politicians even encourage such behaviour.

The 'conspiracy' would have to go way back beyond Galileo as the ancient Greeks had measured the Earth and knew it had to be a sphere even if they didn't understand gravity.

Science is not about what you believe and you have be prepared to be proven wrong.

BTW I work in the space industry, so I hope it's real :)

Cool awesome post as always.

Just dropping by to say I love your flat-earth debunking posts :)

How the hell can gravity not be a fact? Not even focusing on Einstein...just throw shit out the window and see what happens.

I have a question; I have been watching some of the flat earth arguments the last few months and they do have a pretty convincing argument for lack of curvature. I can't explain why we see no curvature on an ocean horizon that stretches dozens of miles to the left and right of view? If the formula for curvature is what I understand it to be (8 inches per mile squared) there should be 600 feet of curvature in just 30 miles

Just curious, but do you know what tides are? Do you see the curvature of tides? Do you doubt the existence of tides too simply because you can't see them?

Not sure if you are trolling or not. But that doesn't sound like a question. It sounds like it is supposed to SOUND like a question. I apologize if I'm wrong, but flerfers sound a lot like that when they are not actually asking questions, but thinking they 'gotcha' on something that they repeat from a YouTube video that is supposed to be a 'gotcha' simply because it says so in the video and they have not bothered to do any research on the topic themselves.

So, here's a tide chart. Tides can often be several meters from shore to open water. Do you see the curve of the tide on the ocean to the horizon? The curvature of many tides is FAR greater than the math for the curvature of the earth. So, perhaps you THINK that you should SEE something that the eye is unable to perceive, and perhaps you might adjust your expectations as to WHY you believe you should see such a slight curvature.

tide tables for different areas.png

PS. Fact checking is fun and educational. Repeating what YouTube videos say without fact checking, is annoying and unentertaining.

"Flerfers." Priceless.

Not trolling; maybe just stupid. Not sure where you are going with the tide thing either but I would think 600 feet of curvature in 30 miles would be noticeable.

Well, tides are curved, sometimes up to 10 feet in a couple of miles, but you simply cannot see it. The ocean looks flat because the curves are too slight.

We CAN see the curve, all the time. When a building or ship disappears when you are too far away to see it, you JUST witnessed the curvature. Same with when the sun sets. But I'm not sure what you think this expected curvature would LOOK like other than that. Are you expecting to see the actual curve of the OCEAN, the curve of the horizon? Can you clarify what you think you should be seeing?

If you are thinking that you should see the curve of the HORIZON, well, that would simply be unrealistic. You don't see the curvature of the horizon until you are at about 100,000 feet, and then you still need to take a straight edge to it. You can see a horizon calculator here.

Next, if you think you should be seeing, for instance, a building behind the curve at 30 miles, well, the math is not the math that you did. You did the DROP, but not line of sight calculations. So, first of all, to SEE 30 miles, you'd have to be up 100 feet high. And then you need to have a target to measure, and then you do line of sight calculations to see how much should be HIDDEN behind the curve.

So, doing the math here:

Yes, the DROP of the earth is 600 feet, but what is HIDDEN behind the curve of the earth is only 210 feet. If you factor in standard refraction, then it's only around 160 feet. You can take out a telescope and confirm buildings are below the horizon a certain amount at these distances and factoring in height.

But people say, "See, I can see these buildings from 30 miles and they should be behind the curve" but A. They don't do the math right B. They SHOW THEM behind the curve... but they didn't subtract the bottom 200 feet of the skyscrapers that ARE behind the curve C. They often don't have a verified height. So, they'll say, "See, we shouldn't be able to see this" but being up at 10 feet vs 100 feet would make a DRASTIC difference as to whether you should be able to see something or not. So, if there is no HEIGHT listed, and verfied, for instance because a specific landmark or a altimeter is in the shot, then you should always be suspect of the veracity of the claim. If they are unwilling to verify the altitude, it's probably to trick you, or maybe because they believe it and just want to confirm their belief system.

Here's a video that shows how it's actually calculated and some real life examples.

These videos tell a lot of half truths that are often difficult to discern what the reality is without some deep and intensive fact checking and understanding HOW to even fact check. Most people are simply not inclined to spend two hours fact checking each and every video or claim, and it's easy to think they sound reasonable until you do so.

Thank you for taking me seriously; I have to say you are the first person to actually give me an answer to this question.

Brilliant! Haha These loonies are great for entertainment. Did you know that the Flat Earth Society has members all over the globe? ;-) Thanks for posting @kerriknox. Followed, Upvoted and resteemed.

nice to see this type of post.thank you for share.

New to steemit and I am glad this is the first post I have come across!

Getting sick of all the flat earth pages I keep seeing on Instagram lol

You summarised their beliefs in a clear and concise manner.

Nice job!

I treid to debunk the falt earth only to find that , it was all fact ,THE EARTH IS FLAT . space does not exist , IT'S ALL A LIE !!!

Hey man, just wanted to say I work at a space agency, and I wish it was true that we're only throwing parties and filming movies, but we're not :( We actually work quite a lot ^^

Take care.

"I treid to debunk the falt earth only to find that , it was all fact ,THE EARTH IS FLAT . space does not exist , IT'S ALL A LIE !!!"

I LOVE good sarcasm. Spot on man!
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Man! I always knew that "Truman Show" was so much more than the "Big Brother's" approach on reality... It's an obvious parallel to the round-earth-conspiracy!
You have enlightened me on the matter :P

Great article! Thanks! :)

I will just watch and observe. I don't think NASA ever Landed on the Moon. How cool would it be to have a 24/7 camera focused on Earth and be able to watch it spin on it's axis ?? Is the Holy Bible a complete lie ??
An Interesting video that takes and opposite view from the author of this post

I've done a video on what I call, The Amish Laws. By law, one has to live like The Amish if one espouses FE theory.....

Think of how good it would be for the environment.
Also, below I discuss my take on it in, FE Faggots, and I was one of the first people to come across it:

Ain't no flat earth cuz ain't no earth. just the ilurminati's virtual reality AI with it's 1's and 0's and agent smith being the chosen one..

This post recieved an upvote & comment from mahbubalam. If you would like to recieve upvotes comment from mahbubalam on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @mahbubalam

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

That is the mind-boggling post and breaks a lot of myths associated with the flat earth. A great study has been done while making this post.

Flat like their brain waves. Here is something I just wrote pertaining to weaponized weather you may find interesting, or maybe insane, lol! .

It's really sad people are this stupid in 2017! A telescope that costs <$100 easily proves we are surrounded by celestial spheres and thus, more than likely living on one. Not to mention the sunrise/sunset which frequently illuminates the undersides of clouds, would be impossible on a "flat earth". Thanks for this post!

All it takes is one celebrity to make a stupid comment, and all the lemmings come out to follow him/her over the cliff of stupidity. At least I think this is how this fad got started... .

Wow, talk about being clueless. Get a grip.

Really? This spiked after certain celebrities (so sorry, I don't follow these people) began tweeting this stuff. The idea may have been there among the fringe prior, but it did not go main-stream until a few celebs started trotting it around. You may want to watch this guy's series on the topic:

Still you cannot prove the motion of the earth.

Please stop repeating youtube nonsense. You just proved why you are insane. The technology is so ADVANCED to detect the Coriolis, that devices called Mems Gyros are microprocessors printed onto circuit boards and help to prevent ROLLOVERS in cars and provide a realistic gaming experience in game controllers.

If you don't think they work, please remove the Mems gyro from your car, and publicly encourage all flat earthers to do the same, and vow to not buy any car with a mems gyro from a company that lies to you about how their product works.

If you'd like to post nonsensical crap you repeated from Facebook, please do it elsewhere. Your nonsense is easily disproven. I can give you a DOZEN other companies that manufactur these devices, like Panasonic, and the many applications they are in. If you think that all of these companies are in on a conspiracy, then you need mental help.

Fantastic post @kerriknox. After my first encounter with a flat earther, and ever since I've been stumped to identify what exactly the conspericy is and to what purpose? Despite all the math, the physics they are still deeply rooted in the belief that there is a conspericy.

I'd love to meet one of them - I can't believe they believe this.

Can you prove those flat earthers exists, or is this all a conspiracy to make us feel superior humans ;)

so you have a Flat EarthER theory?

The Human Intellect is capable of disbelieving or believing anything...Flat earthers prove it in one fell swoop...

The first image is a very good finding. 👌👍

You can participate in my contest to win prizes worth upto 7.5 SBD. Also please support to make the next one more lucrative, by participating.

nice spam dipshit @steemcleaners

@trumpman please, no need to call names, the person is probably a spambag :P

I never intended to spam your post. I am just trying to bring attention to do something creative. If I hurt you by any means, then I am not sure, how I can let people know about my new initiatives. It would be helpful, if you can provide some guidance.

I initially flagged this as spam, I then thought about it and figured I could comment with a @commentwealth response. @CommentWealth trolls for trolls and spams the spammers... please be aware @sanmi that consistent spam comments like yours might eventually result in flags, which hurt your reputation and earning potential. Linking to your own posts in another Steemian's comment thread is really bad form. Next time, try engaging with the author in a way that builds true community here on Steemit!

Thank you @jasonbu for the guidance. I am not sure, how to interact with people and let them know about my new initiatives. I never mean to spam anyone's post.

I personally do not like begging for vote , I tried in promotion channels in chat, and there is begging every now and then there. So I thought, I would upvote people's post ( I even borrowed some SP so that my upvote contributes to their post), and let them know about my contest. But this also does not look like a great idea as you guys say.

So what other way is there, to engage with people ?

Hey @sanmi, I took a look through your posts and have a few suggestions. I think that you are starting to get some traction. Contests are a hard go and you need to stick with it. Off the bat:

  • a) I would make resteeming your contest one of the requirements to participate. If they dont resteem it you get no network effect.
  • b) In your Summaries, link back to the original contest.
  • c) Take a look at your tags. It's insanely hard to break out your own tag. Try using "contest" "challenge" and as you build you might be able to start breaking out into a new tag, like "caption", or make it an entry requirement to repost the image with their "Caption" using the tag #caption then post a link to the entry in the comments.
  • d) Another idea would be to branch out and ask an artist to use their art in the challenge (cross promotion) - Then the "art" tag would be good to use and a good engagement point with another Steemians and their followers.
  • e) Once you have more followers ask for a submission to use in the next contest.

The other thing you should do is to take a look and analyse some of the successful art challenges/memes. Have a look at @fibra59, very successful meme challenge.

Also, if you are not on PALnet #Minnowsupportproject be sure to join. Check out the posts @minnowsupport.

Hope that helps. Best of luck.

Thank you a lot for taking time and providing your valuable feedback. Will work on this.