you can get a PhD in honey without ever tasting it, live your whole life in theory, that is how it is with globe earth evidence.
so I say bring forth you 'evidence' that relates back to concrete facts that we can look at.
right now the 'proof' of a globe earth mostly relies on NASA (not a space agency.. lol) I'd like you to answer why the founder of NASA has the PSALMS 19:1 which just happens to be about the earth having a firmament.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. - PSALMS 19:1
if you take away NASA there is very little 'evidence' left.
Of course, all we have to do is "take away" all the evidence that disproves the flat earth and presto, you have a chance. Its a shame that data and observations can't be disqualified because you don't like them. :-)
P.S. The earth was known to be round a long time before NASA rolled around.
Sculpture of Atlas hold a globe earth circa 150 bc
yes, the conspiracy to make the earth round is literally that old. thanks for pointing it out.
why did the founder of nasa put that on his tombstone?
I never knew the man, but my guess is that he liked space and wanted a biblical quote about what he enjoyed in life.
If this is your sort of evidence for a flat earth, then I am laughing and laughing
i'm more amused at how you gloss over it. the man literally quotes the one quote in the bible about there being a firmament, and you pretend it means nothing.
you probably don't believe conspiracy even exist, as if all our governments are for the greater good, all wars make perfect sense. (or what I really believe, you know it all too well to be true and seek to hide it)
i only speak to because others read this, i know i'm wasting my time if to convince you where my goal. you aren't and independent mind, you are NOT SCIENTIFIC in your approach.
and if you believe the globe earth needs protecting from people like me... lol..
ahh, love you brother, i'm sorry for you that you think you need to do what you are doing. (i think you are a slave, at least i'm doing this of my own free will) if i am wrong, let it be so, there is no harm in it. there are people that are wrong all the time, yet you work so hard to convince me, even changes your methods, but never once, in my opinion, using real scientific methods.
and you think this:
makes sense... lol. seriously, talk about laughing until nearly dying.
Really? the ONLY quote in the bible about a firmament? I can think of about 19, and I am falling down drunk.
When you have an idea and dismiss anything that disproves it as fake or conspiracy, this is the essence of the scientific method?
The path of the eclipse is easily explained by the standard model. How does the flat earth explain it?
well look at that, i learned something today.
it was mentioned:
you insult scientific method with your theory of gravity that is positioned as a law.
no, it really isn't. the S shaped cannot be made given the evidence provided.
the moon is known to be closer and farther away from the earth. The sun and moon are close to each other, enough so that one can move behind the other.
i honestly can think of no way a falling rock could possible move closer and farther away as the globe earth model shows. it makes no sense.
i'm sorry you are drunk, but now it makes more sense why you can't think clearly and see what I am saying.
So you are saying that dismissing all evidence that refutes you as fake or conspiracy is good solid scientific method?
It is not my theory of gravity. It is the theory of gravity. Everybody benefits from it. Even you. I am not insulting science by defending a well known and universally accepted theory.
I din't really follow that last part...was that supposed to explain the path of the eclipse?
Here is a video of someone who tried to model one moment in time of the eclipse from a flat earth perspective. He recorded the position of the sun and moon at one location in the totality. He then moved the camera around to 30 different locations and recorded the positions of the sun and moon in the sky at that moment on a flat earth. He recorded what the flat earth model predicted for those certain positions for the moon and sun. The actual positions recorded on that day were quite different than what the flat earth model predicted for that one moment in time. This is why flatheads refuse to show any kind of testable model. It is because they always fail.
And just for fun here is how the eclipse actually works: