Neuropsychology - secrets of consciousness, part2 (featuring @njall as author)

in #science8 years ago

Hello, Dear friends, today we’re going to continue our important and fascinating talk about neuropsychology.

I recommend you to read the first part to get the full picture of it and so it will make your life better ;-)

We used to treat the thoughts and the consciousness on the whole, as something ephemeral, unreal or we just took it for granted, well thoughts, so what? It’s just another useful tool.
Due to this light-minded attitude, lives of many people are full of suffering, complexes and inner problems, let’s look at the example.
Do you like eating? I’m sure you do, many people like to eat, taste is a drug of the 21st century, someone likes rolls, somebody – hamburger, another one – pizza! And many people have the same light-minded attitude towards food. They are told: “There are GMO and harmful preservatives – don’t eat it!”
“So what?” they smile and keep eating it.

Well, many people think that they eat something, get the pleasure, and then just go to a toilet and unhealthy food is gone, they’re clean, fresh and alive and kicking! What’s next? You can keep it up and be pleased, hurray! Actually what you see in your toilet bowl is waste products, it’s those matters which your organism couldn’t digest and assimilate, while actually it’s you who become even a bigger part of such “waste products”, your organism wants to live, it’s huge and sophisticated robot consisting of billion parts, and these parts (cells and their constituents) need constant renovation. You may have heard that it takes your organism several years to regenerate i.e. your body will be absolutely new!
And now think of “construction materials” of your new body?
Exactly! It will consist of this food, if you eat unhealthy food, it gets into the organism and your tissues and organs will be built with its preservatives and poison, it will change your chemical balance, conductibility of your cells will get worse, everything will get worse. Let’s take a hamburger and an apple.

If we bury an apple – a beautiful, green, big and juicy apple tree will grow!
If we bury a hamburger – nothing will grow, it can decompose for many months! It’s a real anomaly for food!
Not to mention the palm oil, all cheap products are made of it and it will never egest out of your body!
And who could think? You’ve just eaten something unhealthy and then again and again… but where will it go?

It will become YOUR BODY and all the reactions will pass in this “body”, and metabolism as well, moreover food influences your consciousness and secretly form your personality, this logical chain can be continued but let’s get back to the consciousness.

I hope you’ve read the first part and understood what’s your thoughts, feelings and actions, it’s similar food but to you psychological body, this food is far more important cause it influences your life, your thinking and behavior and if it’s unhealthy – it’s dangerous to your life! Or at least… to the happy future.
And if you allow yourself to think negatively, feel anger, irritation, excessive lust etc. you instantly poison yourself, your psychological body changes, bad programs become stronger and exert its influence upon you… Do you know that parasites change the consciousness of the victim thus it leads a life which is beneficial to the parasite?

Our vicious habits are the same “parasites”, they act also insidiously.
That’s why it’s hard to quit smoking and many other bad habits…

Nowadays people treat their own psych very stupid; they allow themselves to think about horrible things! They can live with depression and negative emotions but it destroys them from inside, it’s a very dangerous and cunning game!
The ancient sages say: “Nothing breeds evil like your own thought!”
There’s a saying: “You are what you eat”, I think it’s actual to say: “You’ are what you think, feel and do”
We make our lives with our own hands, but try to change the way you think and you’ll be surprised how hard it can be, cause the thought is not only wandering of mind, but a particular state, orientation of a thought is a particular chemical composition of the organism!

Thus your thought are literally “substance” on which you sit, and if it’s bad matters it will be hard on you, because thoughts are beginning of everything, every success or failure starts with a thought.
All millionaires say: “Change your thinking and your life will change”

There are lots of examples; I wish you success and professional control over your own consciousness :)

Attention: This post has been written by @njall

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@njall @knozaki2015

You might be benefited in reading more in regards to what constitutes an ecosystem. Also, there is no such thing as neuropsychology. There is neurobiology and/or plain neurology. Psychology is just a redundant, interpetative semi-pseudo science.

Second. Some kinds of food might benefit the body in one way and some others in another way. If you burry an apple like you said, a seed will grow but even if you burry a burger, maggots are still going to come out. Everything decomposes and serves as food for another form of life.

We are part of an ecosystem. Life exists because of death. We live because some other life has to die. We will die so some other life can exist. Our very bodies are composed out of hundreds of thousands of micro-organisms and bacteria that regulate our behaviour. There is so such thing as free will. How we react in regards to thirst, hunger, hormones, neurotransmitters and everything in between is an act of those organisms that try to survive by fighting or co-existing with one anothr.

Our bodies are an ecosystem and just like something can go wrong out of luck outside in nature, same applies for our bodies. Burgers are not necessarily bad. Eating just burgers, or just plants though can disturb the balance in our bodies.

“You are what you eat”, I think it’s actual to say: “You’ are what you think, feel and do”

No you are not what you eat. You are what you can absorb and digest. Everyone is different. This is why evolution functions based on RNA and thereafter DNA genetic transmutations for each organism.

Also, just because you can't digest everything it doesn't mean it is waste. For example seeds are not digested because plants have evolved to pass the seeds untouched through our gastrointestinal tract in order for us to export them and allow them to grow in our own waste. Nature is brilliant in these matters. We are part of life. No need to distinguish between "bad" and "good" things coming out of us.

Thousands of children die everyday from hunger. Whatever the "feeling" or "thought" one has won't change their fate. This is a form of dellusional thinking reserved for us westerners that pretty much have the basics of life. It is an insult to those been born in terrible circumstances. Wisful thinking can only travel so far.

You talk about parasites. All life form is more or less parasitic to something else on this planet. We live of the planet destroying and rejuvenating it in our own way.

You turned my meaning from head to feet!
Yes, you judge logically and correctly, but the purpose of my post is not about "harmony", but about specific people and opportunities to improve their lives
To sit with the parasites in the body and say what they are part of the ecosystem that you propose to do?
I was talking about something else, and your comment inappropriate
And to argue about consciousness, too silly, read modern discoveries in the same quantum physics, consciousness creates reality
I thank you for your opinion, for your position
But unfortunately, you led the conversation in a completely different direction that has nothing to do with the topic of discussion
And to talk about the ecosystem and the role of consciousness in life, I suggest elsewhere, there's a science and a practice, not theoretical war

the purpose of my post is not about "harmony", but about specific people and opportunities to improve their lives

You can't possibly know @njall what is best for another person, from another culture, another diet.

To sit with the parasites in the body and say what they are part of the ecosystem that you propose to do?

They are part of us. Read more about parasites.

And to argue about consciousness, too silly, read modern discoveries in the same quantum physics, consciousness creates reality

Recent discoveries say nothing about consiousness. You can't possibly combine quantum physics and something about the brain and make arbitary connections. I am aware of the "Deepak Chopra" jargon sophistry. Consiousness is an empty word. Nobody can define it and under specific parametres all life has it. it is pointless to even mention it. It is not something "magical" but the result of firing neurons. nothing else.

Please refer me to your references about "consiousness" and ecosystems. I am quite curious what you will come up with.

Phi is a measure of the degree to which the components of a system are aware of one another and thus it is a quantifiable measure for consciousness.@kyriacos. Conciousness is what information feels like as its being process by a sufficiently complex system.

Otherwise im totally with you. The level of made up bs being passed around this forum cuz "quantum" is the new black magic, is just ridiculous.

My advice, the minute someone mentions quantum anything without pointing to the specific paper where the phenomina is explained. We flag them.

Thank you for your opinion about the influence of consciousness on life, I will do the following (or through one) post, I hope you will keep records and rate it
I understand that your opinion is based on your life experiences, etc., I respect that, but there is always the opportunity for the development of at least my opinion is based on my experiences and the experiences of many other scientists, I write it and I will be glad if you put yourself in my place.
I understand the ecology and parasites as part of the ecology, but the post originally was about something else, so I see no reason to extend one to the other, get porridge

Its always advisable to consume healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. This helps a lot in maintain good health which every person feel good. We have somebody here in our country is offering a good diet of vegetables and fruits and its result is spectacular. You just need to have a good self discipline whenever a person engage in kind of diet because if not, it would useless.

Yes, aggre

Thanks. I ended up talking with my IRL friend, about your last post on neuropsychology, thanks for making me 'just-that-much-more-wiser' :P

Thank you! I'm glad benefit :)

I believe everything starts with food. With a right one u get full of energy, great mood, steem of enthusiasm and of course it could kill some stress which is right way to maintain happy & healthy body. Sadly nowadays there are bilions of types of meals but just very little of them are natural & healthy. Even if you are willing to pay some extra, quality is not always guaranteed.

100% @deef, need more natural

I believe in right thoughts first, then right action i.e. thoughts, then food :-)

Wonderful post! Very useful and interesting, thanks to the author and curator, scientific, reliable and practical

Thank you ! :)

my wife finished psychology, and everytime i'm always getting trap on what is real or not..crazy i guess, lol

Psychology is very complex and multifaceted, their domestic policy of various schools (Freud, Jung, etc.) is quite harsh and controversial.
So I try to rely on real facts and research

If we bury an apple – a beautiful, green, big and juicy apple tree will grow!

I love apples! Anyone wants an apple?

Can I have one! :)

Of course! the color of the apple do you take? :D

Green! ;D ))

Ok, there are 2 left) red and yellow :D

Why isn't my telephone flying?

This world is built on certain laws and ignore them is also not worth it :)
All the time ;)

Apologies, I was digging deep in the collective unconscious again. Back to sanity now. Excellent article. Really enjoyed it. Off to dream of parasitic beings...I think I'll start with the Zika virus - such a sloppy replicator like HIV!

p.s. I do love the parasitic world of Lynchian movies. Please do explore his movies for further parasitic darkness!

I still stick to utopian concepts to relieve people from suffering

Who you think this is there?

Interesting read! To me everything begins with thought and all is processed from there. There are rules to follow and if you stray from them there are set backs.

I agree!

Thank you! Consciousness is the source of all

To me the word consciousness it the same as the word aware. If i'm aware of a homogeneous energy existing all around me I might use the word consciousness then. But also being conscious is just being aware as intensely as I can about whatever is going on right here, right now.

If I want to create positive lifestyle habits then I first have to have enough desire to change. Its true that some people just don't care enough about their state of being to take action to change it for the better, despite suffering. This seems to be part of human nature, given that 90%+ humans exist on a low vibration.

Totally agree

+1 "As a Man Thinketh " ... James Allen

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