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RE: ‘We are free!’

in #science7 years ago (edited)

That's why we have to rule ourselves, not be ruled by governments and oligarchs. No government will ever be fair in our current political system, or our oppressive capitalist system.The only system that is fair would have local, direct governance. And I mean both those words literally. Everybody should have a vote, and everybody should own everything. This is not naive, it's very hard to do yes, because we are accustomed to this sick, oppressive society were sociopaths rise to power, through political or economic scheming, or most frequently, both.


If you believe in local and direct governance, there is an organization called The Institute for Local Self-Reliance, that I think you might find of interest.

As to self-rule, that is a skill. This sick society is externally motivated by money and perception as wealth and status. To do away with the sick society as you put it, you must raise a generation (maybe two) of people who are internally motivated to do the right thing.

My reply is to further reinforce the point that no matter which style of government you choose, government is bad when the people act badly. To me it's really that simple.

I appreciate your reply, and your tip. But I wonder, can good people save a bad system? If a system is corrupt, the worst people tend to rise to the top. And part of the reason the system is corrupt is that it allows abuse of political and economic power. And by allow I mean legally. How can good people change that?