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RE: Physicists are planning to create lasers powerful enough to tear space itself apart!

in #science7 years ago

I don't think you really understand what they are doing at CERN man. They aren't trying to tear space apart, they are smashing atoms together to create high-energy situations similar to how space looked at the very beginning.

Also, comparing smashing atoms to smashing cars isn't even like comparing apples to oranges.... it's like... well... comparing atoms to cars. They are just so fundamentally different, obviously you won't test them the same way.


I don't think you really understand what they are doing at CERN man.

So, "science" has "disproven" the aether. In the Michelson-Morley experiment which only tested one set of hypothesis, and barely (the minimum amount tests) at that. It was like they were trying to measure the height of ocean waves in directions parallel to earth. So, of course they didn't find anything.

The aether exists. Nikola Tesla said so, along with many others. And, it is quite easy to see when you throw out all the wrong think in science books today. Go back and read the books Tesla read.

Since the aether exists, atoms do not work anything like what "science" currently says. Atoms are not empty shells, with a tiny center.

So, how much can you learn from a computer chip after you let the magic smoke out? That is probably a better analogy of what they are doing at CERN.

Clif High talks about CERN every once in a while, if you want another perspective. CERN will soon be a museum.