Dear @earthcustodians,
Vaccines have increased in efficiency multiple folds since 1950 as they are much less likely to cause secondary infections. Antibiotics do not cause antibiotic resistance, they select for antibiotic resistance, random mutations cause antibiotic resistance. Your specific reference to Gardasil is quite confusing as there are a reported 12,000 cases of adverse affects and 170 million doses spread worldwide meaning roughly 0.007% of the time there is an adverse affect. Thus pointing out that as an example is truly redundant (as the original smallpox vaccine as discussed here had almost a 100% adverse affect rate).
.. so indeed ingesting too many antibiotics is a problem, right?
random mutations... like I said, the scientific method is doomed.
Rise in autism, ADD have been proven to be linked to vaccines.
Doctors/bigpharma are the 3rd leading case of death in america. I believe that
You are defending the indefensible.
look for the rise in autism linked to vaccines. Best of luck. My last post to you.
I apologize for my previous statement, it was immature. My reasoning is that your reply hit home as I have a friend with autism... and his parents get attacked nearly daily by people like you saying they shouldn't have vaccinated. You see, you hold an ignorant view that puts people at risk and because of that, personally, I think should be a chargeable offense of equitable to that of attempted murder in the first degree. You see, when you do not vaccinate you act as a vector for a pathogen that may potentially infect someone whom can't get vaccinated (such as someone with a compromised immune system) and if they get sick, they could die... because of you.Vaccines are one of the safest medical advances we have made and causes fewer deaths than any other medical advancement... and still there are people that hold complete ignorance surrounding the subject. So thank you for not replying anymore... and I seriously hope the best to you... but if someday it does become illegal to not vaccinate... I will not be upset. I seriously hope you are a hermit in life so that you cannot act as a vector for pathogens and so that you never have the potential of harming or killing anyone... because the thing is, by intentionally not vaccinating... you are intentionally acting as a vector. Good luck in life