A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit Geneva. One of my first priorities was to visit CERN and take the tour at the facilities — at least the open to the public areas. It was a fascinating experience and I would recommend anyone to visit at least once in their lifetime. The tour itself was 2 hours. During that time I managed to bust the balls of the physicist on duty but I got enough to quench my thirst for knowledge.
Here are some pictures from the visit.

Awesome pics.
Was it hot in the control room with all those projectors running? I have a projector at home, and it's amazing how much heat that little box puts out. It's like running a Bitcoin miner.
it was a glass casing. I have no idea. maybe @lemouth can enlighten you on the subject
This is the control room of the ATLAS detector, if I am not wrong. The guys can see the detector.
He meant in regards to the heat in the room from the projectors.
Ah ok, This I don't know. I have never stayed there long enough :)
Being A SteemStem Member
good luck
your steem post relay relay good
hey angie, do you wanna race or something?
What is the thing in the last picture called 🤔?
Looks like a metal ribbon 😛 🎀 .
no idea. google it
Geneva? Must be Switzerland? Hmmm is this emmmm a company? It sure seems like one, amazing photography
what else could it be?
wow, you are very lucky! And of course you will need to elaborate a bit more on this: "I managed to bust the balls of the physicist on duty...."
I asked many questions
Did he have all the answers?
The ProtoDUNE may be the finder to the missing piece. (fingers crossed)
Isn' t it wonderful to read the comments here...? :)
Hope you enjoyed the tour! Small particles physics meeting Universe! What an experience must be working in such a place..!
Yeap. Worthy human beings
Intriguing. Thanks so much. I have seen videos on youtube about CERN with mixed reviews. Fascinating possibilities.
Fucking !!! Perfectly spent in time! I envy)))
Wow a fascinating look inside CERN. The scientific discoveries made there could either uplift humanity, or destroy it. The future is never certain, but this is an exciting time to be living in, for better or worse.
Beyond epic... looks like fun.
Any security requirements (ID necessary?) to visit CERN? Thanks for the cool post!
If you are entering from Switzerland you don't need any more ID's. If you manage to get into the actual station underground then I think you need one. Not sure. @lemouth can enlighten you
You indeed only need a valid ID (with the necessary visa to enter Switzerland and France). You can enter without any problem for the public exhibitions. For the rest, you need to plan the visit a little bit in advance and queue with the rest of the world.
Nice post about a contemporary pilgrimage destination. I only once saw a book about the daily life at cern. It was so confusing and for a layman seemingly a caotic and untidy place and some statements of the scientists were also quite irritating. Quite the opposite of your shiny impressions. As usual the essencial things in life are invisable. Thanks for sharing.
Did you have the chance to approach the detector? Since the machine is currently shutdown, this is the right moment.
it is a pity we will miss each other (with all the steemSTEM crew) by a week. Will you still be in Switzerland at that time?
I came back a few days ago. Even with the tour I was lucky to get in a waiting list and have a guide from CERN. Indeed you need months in advance to get inside and I am not sure they can take you all the way down to the detector.
As far as the physicist told us, a tour up close to the detector were not possible at the time due to some cooling/preserving procedures. If I understood correctly that is.
A few phone calls and anything becomes possible (in particular to make this happen for STEEM ;) ). For the next time, please let me know in advance so that I could potentially arrange something for you.
This may be the case for ATLAS (which is the one you visited). But this is definitely not the case for CMS (the one we will visit). I am less connected to ATLAS (I have friends in there, but I am a member of the other collaboration, which helps).
Must have been interesting and fun enough to spend a few days there. What's next on you list? ESTEC? Or is there no list?
Very good photos from the place that i am dreaming to be in future. Thx for the post