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RE: Science Under Attack

in #science8 years ago

How about you stop trying to push humans back into grass huts. Do you know how the internet was created? With MILITARY BUDGETS, just like most of the technology that has ever advanced humanity.

I am not. I cherish engineering. The heart of science. I mention it in my article if you bothered to read it. The internet was created after cumulative efforts of various individuals that eventfully ended up being manifested through the military. If it wasn't for those events some others would have occurred that also fulfilled that goal. It is called a technological tipping point. Same applies to Einstein and all the great discoverers. If it wasn't for them it would be someone due to the cumulative nature of how knowledge and technology emerges.

Your weird pacifistic technophobia would stop technological process, and if anyone had listened to you in the past, you would not be using the internet.

hur dur...

Have you heard the phrase "necessary evil"? That's what military research is. That's what space research is. Don't do it and your opponents will.

Yeah. Hitler advanced a lot of things as well. I wonder if you would offer yourself as soap for the "greater good".

I told you to upgrade your arguments mate. :) You are being pathetically pedantic.