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RE: Science Is Not The Answer to Everything

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Well, you discuss like a neo-atheist.

Ancient Egyptians had science, ancient greeks did as well and they all had pretty vicious religions. Monasteries and religion did advance science. They builded ships that colonized the modern world for example. They just didn't accept some tenants of astronomy and evolution.

I think you need to lay off some Dawkins girl...I am an atheist but I can smell your noob-ness on the subject from a mile.


nope. I am agnostic

There is no such thing as agnostic because we are all agnostic. It is like saying "I am human".

An atheist merely assumes the premise that every God concept that has been invented so far cannot possibly exist due to logical limits. etc. who created God.

if the question does not bring answers but raises another level of the same question then what is asserted without evidence can be discarded without evidence.

"agnostic" is a meme. an expired one. You either believe that there is evidence of some magical deity to exist based on some evidence or you don't. its like I am asking you "Are you pregnant?". You can't say "a little".

you can't say that a Christian or a Muslim is agnostic. they accept the fact that there is a god and his name is God or Allah. Me, as agnostic, on the other hand: "An agnostic knows that just because there is no physical proof of the existence of a higher being, it dose not automatically mean that one does not exist."
it's a meme? that's your perception but it's your own reality, not EVERYBODY's. but because it's your OWN perception it doesn't mean it's the ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

They are somewhat agnostic in regards to the nature of their God . For example Christians would say "αγνωσται οι βουλαι κυριου ημων" meaning, " the will of the god is unknown". All in all, we are all agnostic in regards to something.

Are you also agnostic in regards to pixies? birds with elephant tasks? 20 finger chickens? flying spaghetti monster?

Just because you choose to be "agnostic" in regards to something popular and accredited from democratic belief, doesn't mean it applies since you disregard trillions of other possibilities that are not so popular.

I think you need to work on your logic girl.

i cant reply to the other comment.but yes, you merely make some statements and claim that some of my "premises" do not make sense to you. My fault or you are too narrow-minded and do not like discussion?

and by the way, by default the shadow of a cilinder is like this : not exactly a rectangular.

are you talking on behalf of ALL CHRISTIANS? i dont think so.
I don't need to work with my own logic. in fact, I prefer to think that there are still things I don't know, unlike you that you KNOW everything