A theory about quantum physics and evolutionary biology

in #science7 years ago (edited)

I am still reading through, not in any kind of systematic way, the blog posts from Jack Kruse and I have been soaking it up and my brain has been busy fitting this new information in with what I already know, and if you dig through my blogroll, you can find a repost of a hypothesis I had about speciation for precisely the kind of social milieu we are in now, which is very much cognate with the situation of grazing animals and their social structures and their inability to restrict their population growth rates, which I hypothesised leads to ancient, locked DNA code being enabled in a growing population of individuals who are diverging from the average of a species.

This here is what I was just reading, that made me think back to this, and incorporating it with the new info about quantum physics in biology:


The idea goes something like this:

We already know well enough, and in fact, we are a significant way down the path to developing communication systems built on quantum non-locality/entanglement, that it is actually possible to not just send a signal from one place to another, with zero time of travel, without any space traversed in between, i.e., it cannot be tapped or intercepted.

Basically, like two tuning forks, you strike one, and the other resonates, allowing a very high efficiency transfer of a very small amount of energy. I personally believe that there is a connection between this, and AC current, and the phenomena demonstrated by that desktop toy attributed to Isaac Newton. It is an interesting fact that in fact AC power does not involve electron flux, but rather wiggling back and forth - the electrons in your house wiring are probably the same ones that were there when it was built... The connection here is chains of inelastic, extremely low mass objects being pushed a little this way, and then a little that way, and the motion tunnels through this chain and appears on the other side without any measurable motion in between.

If we can build machines already, that can do this, then I would suggest that, once Kruse's insight about integrating quantum theory with biology, that we may discover that our brains, and possibly even, the nervous systems of most forms of life, that in fact there is a kind of quantum biological internet... and that every organism is like a logic gate in a planetary supercomputer, and that this resultant intelligence is how life survives the inevitable periodic catastrophes that cause massive extinctions.

Combining that with the previous hypothesis, and the quantum physics properties that are, according to Kruse (and me now too), that when such disasters are coming down the pipe, with and escalating convergence of seemingly unrelated events leading to this pivot, that the global supercomputer triggers the unlocking of ancient DNA codes that arose in previous times down the line of our ancestors back to the beginning of life on earth, that successfully navigated a way to survive.

I call this, for want of a better term, 'throwback genetics', and it can include the expression of formerly locked DNA fragments. Humans survived the ice age, because in our DNA was the genetics of the early mammals and their predecessors, such as monotremes, the survivors of the catastrophe that wiped out the land based dinosaurs, leaving the planet with only insects, avian reptiles and underground dwelling, hibernating reptiles. One of those groups was our great great (etc... ) grandparents.

As Terence Mckenna says, we should not fear impending apocalypse, because we would not be here were it not for the ancient legacy of every one of our ancestors going all the way back to the first single celled organisms. Which could have in fact been extraterrestrial fungi, as Mckenna believed (or more precisely, claimed was told by 'the mushrooms'.)

What I'm suggesting, is that life on earth has a communications network that accumulates and processes information, and that when the alarms start going off, epigenetic triggers are pulled that starts to re-express ancient DNA that got our ancestors through previous catastrophes. So really I am digging at a mechanism that explains it, beyond the simple natural selection, which as Darwin said, and was sadly never able to prove it, that there was factors in the environment involved in the selection and editing of epigenetic information (he even hypothesised about the existence of this, DNA was the site of the action of natural selection, but epigenetics, coded in the endocrine system, primarily, was a far more important factor than natural selection.

Or in other words, as our genes mingle, there is an intelligent, intentional force that can recognise the signs of convergence of events towards a catastrophe, and in response, it unlocks codes that match the general pattern of the situation, thus ensuring the ongoing survival of life on the planet. Simple dumb luck could explain it, but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that during these times, the rate of adaptation was far beyond what could happen if it was just stochastic.

It sounds a bit like the concept of God, doesn't it? But it's actually the compounding of all life, and all the history encoded into DNA and epigenetics, as a massive (the word just doesn't quite do it) - colossal, epic, etc, distributed computer system, linked with entangled electrons and spanning the entire universe...

I know from my recent study of the theory of distributed information systems, that ultimately, down to the cell, we are not a single thing, but a coherent, massively complex thing, and even, inside our bodies, we house more foreign organisms than we have cells, and that many types of specialised phages in our body, operate exactly in the manner of a distributed computation system, with messaging protocols and timing sensitivity and all this sort of thing. And that last point, makes me think about those interval tree clocks I posted about a while back, which don't depend on a trustworthy central clock, but rather, each individual process in the cluster has its own internal clock, which it stamps on its messages, and someone reading a string of these messages can use these internal sequence codes to identify what happened first, and what happened second.

So I think that, based on not substantial, but indicative evidence, all living things are part of a distributed computation system, and possibly the reason why we are, as a species, poisoning ourselves with these discordant EMF signals that are now 200 billion times stronger than they were in our atmosphere 120 years ago - so we can discover the mechanisms of distributed computation systems, and quantum physics, and then within a matter of only a short time by the geological calendar, that we will evolve to, like the avians and mammals after the dinosaur extinction, to further increase our capacity to operate without a central frequency to set our clocks by, and thtat we will integrate this clock system into our bodies, which would potentially allow us to rapidly change biologically to alien environments.

It is pretty speculative, I know, but all the information I have to hand is pointing in this direction. Reading Kruse's commentary about the influence of politics on how it got to be that the atmosphere is so flooded with biotoxic fields and radiation, he compares the differences between the US and soviets towards the science of radiation, and the fact is that there is already enough data out there to say that we should be turning off the mobile towers, tv transmitters and microwave links both terrestrial and to satellites, and getting on with it and developing the nascent technologies that got shelved, the science that got suppressed (for example, Willhelm Reich was onto this, way back at the turn of the century) will all fall out into the open, and we will develop the strategies to evolve beyond being land-bound creatures, and be able to migrate into space.

One thing is for sure, humans, on average, as they are, are not going to be able to cope with such a change. It would have to be a very small proportion of the population whose destiny will be to come out the other side of the dark tunnel, and out into the big bright world. Terence Mckenna also said that humans were breaching the membrane of the planet, like a baby whose time is to be born, and after this point, a very exhausting, very long process of actually getting through the tiny aperture that takes us from the womb to the outside world. I am optimistic, so I am inclined to want to believe such a theory. But if the theory is worthy of the name, and I believe it is, then there really is nothing to fear, and if you are one of us, you already know, deep down somewhere, and one day soon that moment when you lose the fear of death and extinction, you will join us in our odyssey...

and the mind blowing continues:


I mentioned above, before really taking anything of this page's contents in, that I speculate there is a quantum communication system - well, in this post, he is speculating that rapid mutation by viruses was what led the pre-humans to evolve into humans.

It's pretty funny reading this today after finishing yet another Resident Evil marathon... The whole story in resident evil pivots around the idea of a virus that is both extremely dangerous, and extremely useful. The daughter of one of the Umbrella scientists had her spine fixed by the virus, and the scientist had extended his life with it. The bad guy who emerges in the 4th and 5th episodes was hounding Alice to get her blood, which had the altered DNA that her genetics had successfully 'bonded with'....

This is very much the same concept, and it's not so far fetched as it might seem, the interactions between viral pathogens and organisms has been investigated to some degree already, and for one thing, I remember that this was a part of the reason why we became tribal nomads and villagers. The viruses from foreign people were often deadly - this happened with the australian aboriginals as well as native americans also, notably with the cold virus.

I have only just dipped into this new one so far, but I am predicting that in the text he will talk about how the resonances and quantum nonlocal effects assist the viruses in finding their ideal hosts, who integrate the DNA and mutate beneficially because of it.


This is so very interesting, thanks for sharing @l0k1! looking forward to more of your content!

I told you Dr jack Kruse is going to make you see health differently :) Combine his views withs yours and you will be on to something.

yup, you are dead right about that... he's digging towards the same vein as me, that is for sure. I have a lot of refinements to add though. All of them consistent with the substance of what he writes about.

Many of his students formed a Facebook group on EMFs which is pretty cutting edge as well. https://www.facebook.com/groups/emfwarriors/