Interesting story in light of the recent developments seeing a whole swarm of dumb network devices hacked to produce some of the most intensive DDoS attacks ever performed so far... These insecure systems are surely going to cause a serious incident soon... and the pentagon, major user of a satellite that communicates in cleartext? that is gold! Presumably the texts are still encoded in some way, but wide open for monitoring... And people buy this nonsense that the russians are 'hacking' the USA. lol! If there is no circumvention, is it really hacking?
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Hey, l0k1 :) I do hope they use some sort of encryption, despite the channel being in clear text. Although I wouldn't be surprised that the Pentagon was convinced into using an antiquated technology through the use of a cunning Power Point presentation.
Come to think of it, it's not Windows, it's not Linux, it's not the software behind Samsung's automatic machine guns, which protect its border with Northern Korea (I have to write up on that too!), but it's Power Point - probably the single most powerful software on the planet, which has brought trillions to its users.
Anyone who coughs up cash after a powerpoint presentation probably is a sucker, in my view. Sure, I would like people to throw money at me, but I'm not just hustling people, I want real world results at the end of the day.
That's why you don't work for the Pentagon. You know too much :D
Not to mention that I would probably specifically want to sell them something that would actually make their work less effective if I was to try (though I doubt it, I'm pretty sure my name appears somewhere a little ways down on many of their lists). I'm not paranoid, I in fact revel in this, because I know that I generally am sharing ideas that are far above their puny little yes-man brains to even grasp the threat they present, if realised.
I think they realize the threat they pose and are both cautious and proud of it. It's human nature to be corrupted by power, so unless you manage to disarm everyone on the planet, at the same time, disarming the single most powerful army would probably lead to global war.
Disarmament is not in my list of goals, in fact I think everyone should be armed and capable of combat. But the best remedy and preventative for war is trade.