I disagree with you.
I think you are mixing mathematics with physics. Physics applies to a vast variety of phenomena. Mathematics is the tool. Each theory in physics (physics is vast) describes a given domain of applications for which it describes all possible experimental observations that have been done and that will be done. If this is not the case, the theory will have to be revised. For the moment, there is no proof that the current paradigms do not work (otherwise, please show them to me).
Now, this post concerns a calculation with some physics hypotheses, a proof, and a result. In this context, the calculation performed looks totally correct to me. You cannot say it is wrong without proving it. Science is not a matter of beliefs :)
Physics use most of the mathematic . In mathematics, you can calculate the amounts of phenomens to calculate the values of certain
parameters: pressure, force, elasticity, electrical current intensity. All laws call for both demonstration and determination in the trigonometry analysis and algebra formulas. To calculate the force of Sliding on a tilted plane, call the sin cos tg ctg functions. At units of measurement you must know how to transform them (here comes the algebra).
In other laws, when calculating the intensity of a current on certain portions, apply the integral from n to m where n and m represent the ends of the studied segment. Sub between you have the characteristic law. Maths it's all most everywhere in our life
You can not apply physics in something where you don't know nothing about it!!!
Theory with out fundament! !!!
Mathematics is a tool. You are really mixing maths and physics. The purpose of maths is not to explain the phenomena happening in the real world. Physics, on the other hand, yes.
To come back to your other point, we have theories that govern what we observe. Theories are not dreams. They are mathematical structures precisely explaining the ensemble of all experimental facts of a given domain. They can be used to make predictions and are thus testable. Once again, as you can see, mathematics is a tool.
The purpose of this post is to use a theory we know (the Standard Model of particle physics) and that is super well tested to make a prediction: the age of the universe. It is just wrong to say the calculation is meaningless. It is in contrast very well defined.
Only theory. After couple of years some one will come with different theory and that one will fail under new one!!! Like all the time heaped, we don't know how human body works in 2017 ,and they tell us how the Universe work!!!
No, this is where you are not correct. The current theory is in agreement with all current data. If you want to replace it by something else, the new theory must be as good. And since the current theory works well, the new theory must be equivalent to the current one in some limits. It is like using special relativity to solve a classical mechanics problem: you can do it, but there is no point of it as the answer would be the same as using classical mechanics from the start.
We don't know how the universe works in all details, but we have significant clue about many things. These clues lead to the current paradigm, based on a very restricted set of key principle, which is in agreement with hundred of years of data. Therefore, the current paradigm cannot be totally wrong, at least under limits for which all current and past experiments hold.
What if we are not the ones solving anything, could it be so that whoever created this world just gives us a little extra info to work with to keep us busy and entertained?
The complexity with which quantum physics seems to work, the fact that matter springs into existence and becomes available when conciously observed, could well mean we are not meant to grasp what is going on.
ie. it could be very likely that we are not going to figure it out, in the meantime I suggest there is no rush trying to figure it out either.
Perhaps we should focus our community money towards helping other people instead of spending billions on higgs boson particles.
We can compare ourselves to the little bacteria living in our stomach, they know what they are supposed to be doing in their environment and dimension, but have no clue what is going on outside of their area of responsibility, they are just performing a task which they can reasonably do with the tools they have been given. In the meantime they probably know there is more to life then keeping the body in balance. Yet that is their primary task so they understand that is what is required of them,
We are perhaps more advanced but nowhere near figuring out how and why the world exists. The fact is that since matter can have different forms, it is not unlikely to think that new matter get's introduced in the system? Forever keeping us guessing.
So either it is all a coincedence that apart from the fact that the planets, atmosphere etc. etc. allow for life on earth, that
we feel pain/ happiness and sorrow arguably due to the way our brains have evolved to survive over the years.
The fact that our conscious seems to influence the result of quantum measurements, directly relating our conscious with matter that comes into existence.
The fact that it is a little strange that we can move ourselves through time and space whilst creating new memories and experiences. Perhaps all of that was just a massive coincedence, created by a big bang.........
Or perhaps it is more likely something has put this world together in such complex manner that it clearly doesn't want us to know all the answers, because if it did we would have already known.
In the meantime in our short existence on earth, we feel the pressing need to figure it all out, but what at costs and to what endgoal?
Now I am not against progress but shouldn't we make sure money that goes into these projects is balanced against solving other mysteries and issues on this planet.
Like why we prefer to spent billions on technology that will help us minute steps further in trying to not figure out how the world works versus making sure a kid that suffers from femine get's to have some food tomorrow.
I saw an invention a while ago that created water out of desert air, why on earth does this man not get billions to get his product mass produced?
I know we don't live in a perfect world, but can we really justify the amount of money spent on these projects versus the other issues humanity faces?
I think your comment is related to the LHC. If not please correct me.
Understanding how the universe works has a cost. That is true. And the money could be invested otherwise, that is true too. However, being against fundamental research means being against progress. Fundamental research in the 1910s means the GPS system today, to quote a single example. However, let's compute numbers differently.
We are first talking here about a very small amount of money (taking the number of countries investing in it, and the amount of money this is for each country). Secondly, the return on the investment is larger than the investment itself (the money to be spent to run those machines is given back to the society, the salary of the people involved when they move to something else, etc..., we can do the cost-benefit analysis and check by ourselves). The only point I want to mention is that on top of science itself, running those huge experiments is cheap for the society and the return could be huge in terms of a potential discovery. Okay maybe not today, but maybe in 100 years.
Thx for your answer, I agree that it will deliver other good things from this,
but I struggle to see why we have managed to figure out the higgs boson particle, whilst a fundamental solution to drought and femine could probably have been found years ago if we put our priorities there. But no Higgs Boson is a far more important discovery. In the meantime some poor bloke in a basement is trying to figure out how to condensate water from dry desert air and is succesful at it......... Now I can't help but wonder if instead of the LHC for instance or any other project that is being subsidised by governments this money would have been given to those who are really trying to solve the biggest issue on this planet,
Which is the gross inequality of life standards.
We fail as human beings if with all the resources we have we can't simply provide everyone with at least a basic standard of living.
I know it isn't that easy, but I can't help but think our focus should be more towards that man in the garage that has good intentions.
I am just mentioning higgs boson or Cern now, but I pretty much mean that any type of technology we create or work on that is not working towards figuring out a solution for helping people in poor regions who deal with femine and don't even have clean water whilst the rhe rest of us is worried about building space ships and leaving this earth etc.. etc.
I somehow have the feeling we are spending our resources on less than urgent matters. Yes by finding particles we might find other solutions, but what if we spent those technologies on first and foremost making this world a better place for everyone.
I would rather give trillions to someone trying to condensate water out of dry air then someone building a particle accelerator.
Perhaps there is an argument to building that accelerator instead of solving all the other issues first, but I struggle to see it.