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RE: Biggest misconceptions of human evolution

in #science7 years ago

Wonderful post - absolutely spot on. It's kind of a shame that we need posts like this. This should be absolutely common knowledge - common sense even. Let's say you have a cousin - the both of you share a great grandfather. It would be like saying your cousin gave birth to you...

Please let me know what you think! Layout? Facts? Clarifications? I'll happily engage in any scientific debate if you disagree! I will never claim to be right all the time.

There's no scope for disagreement, there's overwhelming evidence.

On an obscene tangent, I wonder how Hitler would react were he told the only "pure Humans" are Sub-Saharan Africans?


i'm glad you liked the post. I think people with particularly extreme views have a hard time hearing facts. People with extreme opinions who also have invested their identity into those views have a near impossible time. As we learn more about evolution, bigots like those who believe some groups of humans are superior to others keep trying to co-opt new findings into their racist worldview. No matter what we learn, they can spin it! It makes me wary to post on charged-topics like human evolution online, but I'll try to do my best and present things responsibly :)

edit: grammar

You don't need to apologize for basic facts backed by overwhelming evidence. Your responsibility should be purely to evidence and not avoiding offending bigots :)