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RE: 432: A Single Number Used to Code The Earth, Sun, Moon, and more...How Real is Math? Or How Mathematical Is Reality?

in #science8 years ago

the Quadrivium consists of:
math, number of itself
geometry, number in space
music, number in time
astronomy, number in space and time
these all interrelate and can be used as checks on each other.

energy is the motion of matter in the time domain.
matter exists as the geometry of energy.

the schumann resonance is the vibrations set up in the cavity of the atmosphere by charge in the atmosphere moving to a state of lower potential in the form of lightning. the spin of the earth acts as a generator creating it's magnetic field and driving all of the energetic currents in the motion in the earth system. telluric currents in the ground and liquid rock, ocean currents in the water, air currents in the atmosphere and the energy as waves in all three and their interactions. there is also energy input from outside the earth system. the sun, the galactic wind, cosmic rays, etc.

there is nothing alternative about any of this. this has been known and studied for over a hundred years. there is not so much suppression as much as selectively not being taught. people who are already overloaded with study rarely go and find more to study that is not already required. there are schools that the wealthy attend that do teach these things. so, i guess there is a de facto suppression. the understanding of this is the path to actual freedom, the freedom from experts and authority.

the most basic is the Trivium METHOD and the Quadrivium. all of this is rather lengthy, but taken in bite sized pieces it is not too much and it gets easier as it goes.
once these have been digested, almost nothing is unlearnable. these are the three and the four which together make the 7 liberal arts (from the original definition of liberal : of or having to do with the free). this is where we get the words liber (book) library, and liberty.

i think most of this can be found on youtube. just make sure to get the pieces in the correct order. this is how it was designed to make sense. otherwise it gets confusing fast and can take years to untangle if you ever do.


Wow thank you so much! This is really cool, didn't think anyone would take the time to break it down. I've heard of trivium/quadrivium, but had assumed they were just a list of subjects and didn't think there was any significance beyond that. Going to youtube to find more...