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RE: All Hail The Conquering King: The Unstoppable Earthworm

in #science7 years ago

One man's food, is another man's poison; so as one earthworm can help one continent, while damages another.
Interesting how they are not one size fits all

And being curious from your findings, since European bees pretty much pollinate any floral, wouldn't it be beneficial for the American crops? Or maybe the bees will not survive from all the chemitrails?


Few things in life are one size fits all! Adaptation to circumstances is the highest of virtues.

Bees have a super complicated legacy. They're an invasive species, yes, but due to their proliferate fertilization of any and all flowers, they often benefit native plant species as well as invasive plants.

As for chemtrails- well, needless to say, as a scientist in training in the university system, I deny their existence. What does threaten bee populations is the indiscriminate use of several pesticides that have been proven to damage bees. We're starting to push back on them, though, and bee populations have begun to recover.