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RE: ‘We are free!’

in #science7 years ago

Technocracy? You have no clue wht you are talking about. RBE is nowhere even near such system.
I recommend actually exploring what TVP actually advocates before projecting ignorant assumptions based on very little knowledge in the subject.
How ignorant is to reject decades of work by reading one short, brief article and posting some misinformed opinion.
To get minimum of clue I would recommend to start by reading the book "The Best That Money Can't Buy" by J. Fresco.
Or at least read whole FAQ.


Thank you for denigrating my decades of research and on the ground implementations of resource distribution.

I am not the only one that calls RBE a technocracy.
And all I have ever heard when asked to explain how RBE is different goes like the typical refrain of the socialist supporter:
That wasn't really socialism, so it doesn't count that that one failed... or that one... or that one...

So, maybe instead of attacking me, you could actually explain your views that RBE is not a Technocracy.

Or explain, so that my friend can understand it, how RBE is different than a gold as money based economy. As gold is a resource.

"Thank you for denigrating my decades of research and on the ground implementations of resource distribution."

Just because you pretend so, trying to look smart in the conversation, does not necessarily meant that you have such knowledge. Don't know what kind of "resource distribution" knowledge you claim to have but it self evidently appears that it must be about something completely depart from TVP-RBE. Otherwise you would not make such ignorant assumptions.
Self evidently, you have not familiarized yourself with even the basic foundations of TVP-RBE. I have encountered exactly same ignorant assumption as yours hundreds of times by all sorts of "know-it-all", "RBE debunkers". In person and on the internet. In the end, it all cam down to realization that they lacked the basic understanding and knowledge of TVP concepts. Moreover, typically for denialists who are psychologically stuck in their assumptions and to question their bias, they refused to properly explore the TVP readings.

I have had dozens of conversations, debates and responses within years explaining what RBE actually is and what TVP is actually about. Responding to the same frustrating ignorant assumptions repeated mindlessly.
I have learnt from my experience with similar "debunkers" that this conversation is going to be futile, pointless and leading nowhere. Not gona waste more time here.
I am tired of doing this once again, and I am not going to spend time doing it anymore, when they information is accessible right in front of someone's face.

"The Best That Money Can't Buy"

If I was the sort of person who took umbrage at post hominum attacks, and had no clue about RBE, I would never look into it. Your replies are such that I would be driven away. Too bad, if your goal was to actually implement RBE.

Fortunately for you, I do not take such attacks so personally that I would avoid looking into something to see if there was anything there.

Now, about you. If you actually desire to converts to your religion, then you really need to stop driving them away. Sure you have explained it over and over and over. But, if you want something implemented in the real world, that is exactly what you need to do.

Too bad for you that I have many of the keys that RBE needs to actually implement part of their program. But people like you do not want me to help out the Venus Project.

"If I was the sort of person who took umbrage at post hominum attacks"

Post hominum? What the hell is that? There is no such term use logical discourse.
Maybe you meant "ad hominem".

I recommend checking up what ad hominem means. Ad hominem is a personal attack (on character, motive) on the person making an argument.
My criticism was not a personal attack by general description of certain type of behavior encountered with people posting similar responses. It directly reflects to the subject (content of your comment-criticism), so it is not diversion from the subject - an attempt of rebuttal of the argument by using logical fallacy.

Your misuse/accusation of ad hominem can be actually possibly treated as logical fallacy itself (red herring) - an attempt to change the subject by of unsubstantiated accusation of logical fallacy.