Little Known Facts

in #science5 years ago (edited)

The common response to theories involving Tesla typically claim that “the existence of the ether has been disproven long ago”, “Relativity has been proven many times over and cannot coexist with the ether” and references to the Michelson Morley Experiment as definitive evidence against the existence ether.


1 – There is no experiment that has disproven the existence of the ether. One cannot prove that something doesn’t exist. You can only prove that you are unable to find it.

2 – When people say that Relativity has been proven, they generally refer to experiments that prove the Lorentz transformations. Lorentz first derived these equations based on ether considerations. So proof for these equations may also be considered as proof for the existence of the ether.

3 – Einstein made it very clear in his 1920 speech on the subject that space without the ether is “unthinkable”. Note that this is Einstein, the founder of Relativity, speaking.

4 – The ONLY thing that the Michelson Morley Experiment proved was that on the surface of the Earth we cannot measure any “ether wind”. This can be explained in several ways:
a – the Earth drags the ether along with it
b – the ether drags the Earth along
c – as shown by Lorentz; any movement of the ether can never be detected
d – there is no ether
People generally jump to conclusion (d), which is an invalid solution in the light of (c). I would personally go with both (b) and (c).

5 – Einstein’s work, along with most of modern science, rely heavily on Maxwell’s equations. Maxwell derived his equations from his model of the ether.

6 – Modern science assigns properties like electric permittivity and magnetic permeability to “empty space” or “the vacuum”. Assigning properties to "nothing" provides peace of mind to upholding our preconceived theories. (this is BTW very close to what Einstein said in point 3)

7 – space cannot be bent as it does not have anything that one could bend. People often counter this with talk about non-Euclidian spaces, such as the surface of a sphere. But the surface of a sphere is only non-Euclidian because you are not including all of its dimensions. A sphere requires 3 dimensions, and taking all these dimensions into account, we get a perfectly Euclidian space. TThe explanation of gravitational effects given by General Relativity can easily be re-interpreted into an explanation involving variations of ether density. The latter provides greater opportunity for a more cohesive and all-encompassing explanation for the inherent relationship between gravity and electricity.

8 – Maxwell's equations rewritten in modern notation are 8 (not 4 as commonly shown). One of these equations show the "Lorentz force" which is a force that appears to disobey Newtons 3rd Law of Motion, which is preposterous. The only way to explain this is to accept the existence of the ether.

Read more in my new book: Wardenclyffe.


Nice one mage. I'm going to have to dive in a bit to some of this :) What do you think of Bohm re 6?:

Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy. David Bohm

That is one way to put it...

Reality of All Subjects in absolute ways. Stay blessed.@mage00000, In my opinion we really don't know when we will going to know about the