Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter - Part 3: Power generation

in #science8 years ago

The question that so many people never ask but should ask is why did Tesla put in years of effort to generate these high voltages? What did he intend to do with it?

CSN 158

This question is answered in Tesla’s autobiography:
If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed. The sun raises the water of the oceans and winds drive it to distant regions where it remains in a state of most delicate balance. If it were in our power to upset it when and wherever desired, this mighty life-sustaining stream could be at will controlled. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers and provide motive power in unlimited amounts. This would be the most efficient way of harnessing the sun to the uses of man. The consummation depended on our ability to develop electric forces of the order of those in nature. It seemed a hopeless undertaking, but I made up my mind to try it and immediately on my return to the United States, in the Summer of 1892, work was begun which was to me all the more attractive, because a means of the same kind was necessary for the successful transmission of energy without wires.
Note that he mentions two things:

  • control rainfall
  • transmission of energy without wires

The latter is well documented and we’ll get into that in part 4 of this series. The first is mentioned on other occasions as well and this story is told on 4 different occasions in slightly different ways, as I have shown in Tesla’s Free Energy part 2 and the mechanism is described in a patent application but this patent was never granted.
In the above quote Tesla writes “harnessing the sun to the uses of man” which is a clear reference to his article “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - With Special Reference to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy” (June 1900).
In this article Tesla explains how he has experimented for many years (starting in 1889) to generate discharges that would “burn atmospheric nitrogen” so to produce useful chemicals that can be used to fertilize the Earth so that plants can grow everywhere.

A code, a message from the past
So what is it, does he want to control rainfall or burn nitrogen?
The answer is neither, this is a code.
It says he wanted to collect atmospheric electricity (burn nitrogen) to store this in (fertilize) the Earth -in the form of a standing wave- so it can be tapped anywhere around the world without the need for wires, and plants/industries can grow.
Note that if he literally wanted to burn nitrogen that would go against the rest of the story in which he clearly states that we should not burn fuels.
The precipitation of water is a analogy for the precipitation of atmospheric electricity and in one of the 4 occasions where he tells this story he accidentally (?) says precipitation of energy.
This code becomes more obvious once you put the stories and time lines that Tesla mentions in various writings next to each other and add to that the experiments that you know he was working on.

Not one but two purposes
Anyway we know now that Tesla’s Magnum Opus, his Magnifying Transmitter, had at least two purposes; the generation of power and the worldwide distribution thereof, and not only the latter as is commonly assumed. Tesla’s patent 1,119,732 only deals with distribution of power and so we know that this can not be a TMT, which we already knew because it does not match the descriptions Tesla gave.
The source of this energy and how it is tapped I already described in Tesla’s Free Energy part 1, part 2 and part 3.
The diagrams of the TMT are the ones Leland Anderson provided (published in the “Electric Spacecraft” of Apr/May/Jun 1997) and they show that the generated high voltage is used to create a spark to the dome at the top of the tower which acts as a capacitor. This capacitor is then discharged through an inductor to the ground. So we have a spark gap, a capacitor and an inductor, exactly as in our spark gap oscillator in the primary circuit of a Tesla coil.
In other words we have a giant high voltage spark gap oscillator that will put an electrical wave into the ground. Due to the enormously high voltage in this spark gap, it attracts atmospheric electricity which is collected in the dome of the tower and send into the ground (to fertilize the Earth).

And this is where things really get interesting, because this wave will travel through the Earth and bounce back at the opposite side and come back to the tower where it is reflected again etc.


Every time the wave comes back to the tower, the tower adds extra energy to it. Thus the wave grows in intensity until the losses (from resistance) equal the amount of added energy.
Now if we connect a coil to the ground that has the same resonance frequency as this wave we will get a current in this coil. But we have a coil that is connected to the ground; the secondary of the TMT. So if we design this coil to have this same frequency it can run off the energy that it first collected and put into the ground. In other words it powers itself with the energy that it collects.

Some day…
Read Tesla’s process of obtaining iron from its ore as outlined in his article “the Problem of Increasing Human Energy”. I have drawn a diagram of it:


Now decode it and obtain this:


“Some day”, Tesla writes, “I hope, a beautiful industrial butterfly will come out of the dusty and shrivelled chrysalis.” Clearly indicating that he refers to the distant future, which is… NOW.
