Algae, what is it? Are they plants? Perhaps those first settled the land? In order not to come up with such questions, I will tell you a little about algae.The definition of algae is:Algae are a heterogeneous group of primarily photosynthetic organisms with chlorophyll a
Algology/Phycology is a science of algae, in nature very important organisms.
There are two names of this science:
-Algology lat. algae = sea grass and Greek words logos = science
-Phycology of two Greek words phycos = see grass and logos = science.
The term algology is older than the term phycology.In the famous Webster dictionary, the science of algae is algology. However, in modern professional literature in English, preference is given to the expression of phycology, because the term algology resembles the English term algogenic, which means "the one who creates pain". However, members of this, one of the largest geographically widespread groups of organisms on Earth, are not familiar to ordinary people. Obviously, microscopic algae are not known to the common man. In this publication, I will make an effort to introduce you to some small algae that are not seen by the naked eye.Their dimensions are commonly measured by micrometers (1mm = 1000 micrometres).I'll show you how these microscopic algae look. At college, during the course of algology, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with the algae. I did not just meet, but I did photo them.
The first microscopic alga, which I will talk about, is my favorite. Batrachospermum It belongs to the phylum RHODOPHYTA. She lives on the bottom of freshwater rivers.The colors are olive green, and can be seen by the naked eye. But under the microscope, all her beauty comes to light. With this algae, it is interesting that it resembles the frog sperm. In appearance she got the name (Gr. batrachos-frog; sperma-seed). Do you think it is the most beautiful?
2. Spirogyra
This algae is in the form of threads. The inside of the cell is a spirally arranged chloroplast. In each chloroplast, there are a number of large pyrenoids. Pyrenoid (Greek pyrene = bone, eidos = appearance) is cellular organelles that occur in the algae and moss of the Anthocerotopside group. This is a proteinaceous body and occurs in all algae except blue-green algae.Interestingly, this is algae that reproduces with ladder conjugation (see photo). Spirogyra It belongs of the phylum CHLOROPHYTA.
3. Bulbochaete
The genus was named after colorless, hairy cells that were basically enlarged and resembling a bud.Members of this genus are freshwater algae that are most often found attached to other aquatic plants, occasionally for stones, although after a while they become free floating forms. Bulbochaete it belongs of the phylum CHLOROPHYTA.
4. Gloeotrichia
It is colonial algae. They can be ball-shaped or half-ball shaped. It is found as an epiphytic in standing and slow fresh water. Colonies can be separated from the substrate and switched to the planktonic lifestyle.One interesting thing about this algae. In conditions of elevated concentration of nutrients, they are intensively propagated and cause "flowering" of water. Gloeotrichia it belongs of the phylum CYANOPROKARYOTA.
5. Melosira
These are single-celled individuals. The units are cylindrical in shape. It belongs to a very specific phylum, they contain silicon dioxide in their cell wall, which gives them firmness and beauty.
Text and pictures are mine. See you.
Ne znam nista o algama, mada svidja mi se ova druga kako izgleda iz bliza. :D
Postoji teorija koja kaze da su alge stvorile kiseonik, i one su delimicno odgovorne za nastanak zivota kakav danas poznajemo.
You should try using the #steemstem for science. They help people who post science content.
I didn't know, I will use it from now on
There is somewhere from 30,000 to more than 1 million Algaes species :)
Yes, but these are my favorites, and all these algae are from the Balkans and that's why I chose them.
Zanimljiv post, jel može kratak opis kalo ste snimili kojim fotoaparatom, hvala.
Slike su snimnjene telefonm huawei p10 lite. Moze da se slika bilo cim, jer kod ovakvih slika mikroskop odradi ceo posao.
Ok , hvala.
paralelni svemir ispod mikroskopa, vrlo zanimljiva priča :)
Upravo pisem malo detaljnije na nasem jeziku, pa ako ti je zanimljivo ocekuj veceras objavu.
Veoma zanimljivo, neke od ovih algi sam i ja gledala na mikroskopu na svom faksu bas su cudesne, bravo za ovaj post. Nadam se da ce biti jos ovakvih. :)
Bice naravno. Sta studiras?
Veterinu :)