(Pharaohs) The Pyramid of Giza Power Plant ?

in #science7 years ago

The pyramids are located in the of Egypt, extending from the city of Giza to the city of Fayoum, buildings built by the ancient Egyptians in 2630 BC. The buildings were owned by kings, and the artists of that era were engraved in hieroglyphics on the walls of the burial chamber of the royal mummy; they wrote hymns and texts recited before the gods to protect them in their other lives or after death

The Great Pyramid of Giza - An Energetic Device of the Ancients  Over  the past few decades the pioneering work of daring researchers has  effectively destroyed the notion that The Great Pyramid was built as a  tomb for an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh named Khufu. So too has been  dismissed the idea that it was merely an artistic monument; a 'grand  statement' as to the glory of an ancient culture

Indeed,  in the light of modern science, following careful evaluation of both  its global location and base size dimensions, powerful evidence has  emerged to suggest that The Great Pyramid was originally built as an  immense energetic device of some sort - a pyramid power plant so to  speak. The very construction of this ancient megalithic monument would  appear to have been governed by high science; the specific aim being to  design a device to actively draw power from the earth itself via the  physical principle of resonance.

Now  in order to achieve this aim the builders of The Great Pyramid needed  to consider very carefully both where to place the structure, and its  key dimensions. Two requirements were essential:

  • The placement of the pyramid  must possess an energetic affinity to the orbital frequency of the earth  itself i.e. the number of days to complete one full orbit about the  sun: 365.2421897 solar days.
  • The physical base side length  of the structure (756 feet) and the height (481 feet) must each possess  a harmonic relationship to the exacting earth form. That is to say,  there must be a precise fit between both values and some key physical  dimension of the earth.

    Both requirements are absolutely  essential for achieving a resonant interaction with the earth - what  makes the structure a pyramid power plant in essence. Consider how they  are achieved:
    Latitude Placement & The Earth Tropical Year Connection

Sited most exactingly at 29 degrees, 58 minutes & 51 seconds of  arc north of the equator, the structure is found to actively encode a  mathematical ratio linked to the earth year via two key measures:
                                1) The small circle circumference at the latitude of The Great Pyramid
                                2) The elliptical arc length up from the earth equator to the structure

Based upon the most advanced earth  ellipsoid model of the modern age (WGS84), a most remarkable result is  to be had from a simple division sum:
Small circle / Elliptical arc = 20917.36136 / 2061.702612 = 10.14567340
                                                                                   NB: Earth equatorial circumference = 24901.46089 miles

The  answer produced is one that is exceptionally close to 10 times the  value of the current earth tropical year divided by an ideal of 360  days:

                                                   (365.2421897 / 360) x 10 = 10.14561638

There  is thus a clear intention to encode a link to the earth tropical year  in the placement of The Great Pyramid of Giza; one tied in specifically  to its transformation, an event itself encoded in one of the key myths  from ancient Egypt, as noted elsewhere
Achieving  the ratio of 10.14561638 between the two noted measures would appear  then to have been the governing principle that determined the latitude  placement of the megalithic structure north of the equator. In addition  to this however, it also helped the ancient builders fix the base size  of the monument - a critical factor enabling it to function as a pyramid  power plant via energetic resonance
 The Base Length of The Great Pyramid Derived

From the most recent survey taken in  1925 by J. H. Cole, the base side length of the pyramid was found to be  just slightly under 756 feet. The value was derived from the average of  the four sides as independently measured:
                                                                           9065.1 North
                                                                           9073.0 South
                                                                           9070.5 East
                                                                           9069.2 West

                      Average = 9069.4 inches, or 755.783333 British feet

Now  in terms of a margin of error one may in fact cite Sir William Flinders  Petrie who conducted an earlier exhaustive survey of the structure in  1883. Petrie stated that in terms of accuracy, an error rate of some +/-  1 / 4000 of the base side length was to be expected in any measurement  of the pyramid. And this is approximately equal to 2.26735 inches
Within  the very tolerance specified by Flinders Petrie, one can indeed  demonstrate a remarkable relationship between the full square base  circumference of the Giza pyramid, and the small circle circumference of  the earth at its latitude (29:58:51 N)
Assuming the average pyramid base side was 2.142480527 inches greater than the 1925 J. H. Cole value:

                                     9069.4 + 2.142480527 = 9071.542480 inches

                                     Base circumference = (9071.542480 x 4) / 12 = 3023.847493 feet

                                     Note: Small circle Earth circumference at Great Pyramid latitude
                                     = 110443667.9 feet (20917.36136 miles)

                                     Therefore: 110443667.9 / 3023.847493 = 36524.21897

                                     Compare with the current Earth tropical year: 365.2421897

The  ratio then as derived is a harmonic match to the numeric frequency of  the earth tropical year x100. And this is achieved within the tolerance  level specified by Petrie. It would appear then that the builders sought  to 'replicate' the earth orbit about the sun on the surface of the  earth form; specifically at the latitude of the Giza pyramid 

With respect to the surveyed height of  the structure one may note the value as determined by Flinders Petrie,  which indeed includes a good tolerance measure:

                                                                 5776.0 inches +/- 7 inches

                                                            With: 5776 / 12 = 481.3333 feet

Now  as with the base circumference, the height of the structure is also  found to be linked to the key value of x100 the numeric frequency of the  earth tropical year, or 36524.21897. And this is achieved with a direct  link to the radius of the earth circumference at the latitude of the  pyramid 

From the values detailed in the diagram, the height of The Great Pyramid was determined from a simple division sum:                                     Earth Radius at latitude 29:58:51 North = 17577655.69 feet

                                     GP Height = 17577655.69 / 36524.21897 = 481.2602757 feet

                                     481.2602757 x 12 = 5775.123308 inches

The answer is less than 1 inch the value as surveyed by Petrie at 5776.0 inches.
 The Pyramid Power Plant & Earth Resonance

In summary then the critical relations  as determined the base size and height of the structure are both tied  in to the value 36524.21897, being 100 times the value of the current  earth tropical year 

 Now both of these relations allowed  the builders to construct the pyramid to achieve an energetic harmonic  linkage to the earth form via its orbital frequency; this being  absolutely critical to allow it to function as a device drawing power  from the earth through resonance. And yet in doing so, it must tap into  energetic waveforms naturally inherent to the earth. But just what type  of waves? There are two possible solutions: 1) Seismic waves
2) Celestial/Geometric energy waves
Of  the former one may note the work of Christopher Dunn, author of the  book The Giza Power Plant. Of the latter one may reference the work of  Bruce Cathie (The Energy Grid, The Harmonic Conquest of Space, The  Bridge to Infinity) who developed his own unique energy grid matrix. It  would be well to consider both.

Seismic Waves

As  a celestial body the earth is constantly engaged in intense seismic  activity. Though much of it is low level and not readily apparent, it  does occasionally give rise to sudden bursts of extreme power in the  form of high magnitude earthquakes. And indeed, all such events possess  signature vibrations as propagate through the physical structure of the  planet; a broad spectrum of vibrations being generated.

Now  it is well established in the physical sciences that an object can draw  mechanical energy from another vibrating object if both possess  vibrating frequencies that are in harmony with one another. And in this  instance one may cite the work of Christopher Dunn and his book The Giza  Power Plant, whose central proposition is that The Great Pyramid  incorporated various harmonic associations to effectively capture the  energy from ongoing terrestrial vibrations.  

Of course in order to initiate an energy capture the very structure itself must be set into motion 

Celestial/Geometric energy waves

Although  there is a good physical basis for Dunn's work that the Great Pyramid  was built to capture continuous seismic energy, there is something quite  crude in this explanation. And on a side note I must state a few  critical points
1) The  noted mathematical relations given in this essay as appear to have  determined the main dimensions of the structure, via the value  36524.21897, are not in Dunn's book. They are my own discoveries, and  Dunn appears to be unaware of them, though he does indeed note a linkage  between the Giza pyramid and the earth equator; citing the fact that  its base circumference is about half of one minute of arc at the equator  of the earth (1/43200). But this is in point of fact a connection noted  by many before him
2)  Primarily Dunn focuses upon the resonant properties associated with the  structure itself including its internal chambers; most notably the  King's chamber. And in this he details certain experiments he has  personally conducted as to the acoustical resonant frequencies present  in the chamber

What Cathie concluded from his analysis is that the UFO craft were  somehow operating on a natural set of energetic 'tram-lines' covering  the earth. And their very flight patterns revealed the existence of this  grid. That being said, one is inclined though to offer here a slight  correction to Cathie's proposed intervals, in light of my own work.
In  the previous essay on Sacred Geometry it was shown that there is a  lawful connection between the orbital period of the earth and its  physical form. They both expand (or contract) in direct proportion, with  the noted relationship revealing that a time unit of 1 day (24 hours)  equates to 60 units of 6000 ft over the surface of the earth. It is  likely therefore that the true grid intervals identified by Cathie are  of the ideal unit distance of 6000 feet, and not 6076 feet.
The relations thus reveal the following
1)  A natural grid matrix exists covering the earth whose primary sub-unit  intervals of 6000 feet are tied in to the earth tropical year:  365.2421897 days.
2) A harmonic frequency linkage exists between  both the tropical year and the key value employed to establish the base  length and height of The Great Pyramid: 36524.21897.
The resonant  requirements for the structure to operate as a Pyramid Power Plant are  thus achieved by these relations. And indeed, they offer a far more  powerful solution as to just how the Giza Pyramid taps into the energy  of the earth; via interaction with a natural energy grid matrix covering  the planet, as opposed to drawing off energy from aggregate global  seismic activity

  Image source 1  2  3 4  5  6 7 occultphysics


بوست رائع ...كانوا في غاية التطور ...ام نحن تقهقرنا ؟

شكرا على البوست الرائع
اتمنى المتابعة علشان نكون مجموعة عربية كبيرة تقدر تحقق الاستفادة

It was not a tomb.

Both the location and form of the pyramids, even the materials it is made with are, IMPO, designed to harness energy from the structure of the physical vacuum and to store that in material that would have been manufactured / manipulated inside.

This material is most likely, and most advantageously, to be a form of gold. So it was more a resonant passive energy harnesser and storage device.

The resulting material would have profound properties and would help the knowledge bearers, who had the ability to deploy its capability, to manipulate many physical matter properties as well as being able to influence mood and other aspects of organic consciousness/interconnectedness.

The energy so stored is unimaginably dense and can be deployed at will... literally. It is, IMPO, the root of what most people consider miracles and fantastical happenings in ancient texts.

I hope to be able to walk through the logic from beginning to end on my steemit blog @homosymbion over the coming months linking to personal scientific observations I have made and the work of others in a field that supports the hypothesis.

I started my journey of discovery in December 2012 - a new golden age is coming, the dark ages are ending.

@homosymbion - lifting the veil

The mystery of building the pyramids remains to be seen

IMPO what was made in the pyramids could help build them.

I have been to Egypt personally , but no one has informed me of such content of the pyramid of Gaza!

The mystery of building the pyramids remains to be seen

Love your post and an excellent presentation of these rather to much to be coincidence numbers my dear friend @mars9. There is one problem though, well there are a couple. 1) The earth grows in mass and circumference from meteor fallout from space. The Earth is larger than it was back then. 2) Although this proves that the ancient Egyptians knew all sorts of things that were lost in history, such as the Earth being a sphere - did they actually know this and build the pyramid with these specifications on purpose?

To my knowledge, there is nothing found that proves it that they did but then a few years ago a stele was found detailing the exodus and the Pharaoh at the time who was not Rameses.

Nice info, I would like to know the rest of the Pyramids around the world as well. It would interesting to know why all Pyramids were build across continents. Following and upvoted.

Nice article! Man has always been curious about the pyramids, nicely explained.

Excellent work dear friend @ mars9, congratulations for the bun post development and research work, thank you very much for sharing this interesting material

Thank you for this informative article, it's very interesting.